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Gearshredder 10-06-2007 05:17 PM

hello, im new to gassavers and ive come here in hopes of starting a evconversion project. I previously have been thinking about improving gas mileage but im jumping right into it, and (hopefully) going electric. I have a gas-hogging 11 mpg! 2007 nissan pathfinder (family car), a 1989 isuzu trooper that gets 18 mpg (my car) and a 1987 porche 944 that gets round 20 mpg.
as you can see, none of my cars get better than 20 mpg. :( but thats why im here! to change that!
Right now im in highschool and ive a very small budget. Ill have to get a car sold before i start anything.. sadly prob the porche. Until then, any modifications to the nissan will definately do good as it is driven most of the time. :)

cfg83 10-06-2007 10:04 PM

Gearshredder -

Welcome to GS! Would your Porsche finance a small economy car or .... ?


Gearshredder 10-07-2007 03:20 PM

well it should, and this is our plan, but also to fund the ev that will happen someday. I dont need a car that works so i can buy something cheap, but the parts into it would be funded by the porche. It would also help if i actually get a job lol. Once i get the project done, the isuzu will prob go, and economy gas car will be bought, so nothing too cheap on the gas car though as it WILL have to work.

GasSavers_Red 10-07-2007 05:01 PM

Welcome to the site

trebuchet03 10-07-2007 05:29 PM

I have a buddy that has a Porsche 944 :)

I don't fit in the back seat -- but it's a totally cool car :p

Gearshredder 10-07-2007 05:42 PM

yea, lol it was good when i was young and got a ride in the car, but i couldn't see out the window. I need need new seats in the the car, since they are torn and the a/c needs to be fixed and converted to r-134.

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