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ProDigit 05-04-2011 09:09 PM

change car name?
Hi, I'm driving a lot with my car in the city, so I wanted to write 'city' behind my vehicle's name. How do I do that?

DTMAce 05-04-2011 11:04 PM

You will have to open the vehicle page, and there should be a link just above the beginning of your stats that says "Edit this car".

(on a side note site gurus, this should probably change to "Edit this vehicle" lol)

In here, just change the name to include what you like in the field marked "Car Name:".

(again gurus, I would change that one too)

At the bottom, then click "Update Car".

(Need I say more? LOL)

Once done, it will be updated immediately.


Once you have changed this, your linkage to the profile of that vehicle will change, so if you are using any fuelly badges, or have a favorite saved to the vehicle page, you will need to update them with the new path. (You can see the path in your browser's address bar when you are on your vehicle page)

That should fix you up though.

DTMAce 05-04-2011 11:06 PM

My bad. It will NOT change the path, not sure why I was thinking that, so ignore the last paragraph... ARG.


pb 05-05-2011 12:27 AM

Yep, DTMAce has it. But as he said, ignore the paragraph that starts with: "Once you have changed this, your linkage to the profile of that vehicle will change..." Everything will link the same way, just the vehicle name will change.

Need I say more? LOL

heh, well, if you edit a motorcycle instead of a car it says motorcycle in all the right places. I think we're ok.

DTMAce 05-05-2011 07:28 AM

I was just thinking, Car, Truck, Vans, etc... If they were called say vehicle, or auto/automobile, or something more broad, that would work too. I can completely understand the motorcycle being different.

Just was thinking, someone with an F350 truck is not going to want to see the word "car" on his page for it. LOL

pb 05-05-2011 07:34 AM

ahh, very true.

udtrev 05-05-2011 04:50 PM

surely for an F350 "tank" is nearer the mark lol

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