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UfoTofU 09-25-2007 04:16 PM

New 91 CRX DX 5 speed from Arizona
I found this on Craigslist locally here in Maine.

It's going to be my summer car and I don't plan on driving it in the winters at all. Work on it in the winters and drive it in the summers.

I had actually just gotten back from looking at a CRX HF but was disappointed with what I saw and what I my expectations were from the posted ad.

Anyhow I went and looked at this. Luckily I was the first to respond to the ad and was able to go check it out immediately.

My main concern was the body but turns out it was originally from Arizona. As we all know Arizona = no rust! Being from Arizona the paint and some of the rubber is pretty beat but it is totally solid.

It's got 4 fairly new 80%+ tread plus Kumho tires. Interior is in great shape. Has tinted windows though the rear hatch tint is peeling and cracked pretty badly. the side windows are good. I'm not too psyched about the aftermarket sunroof and it's potential for leaking. As you can see in the pics it looks like there has been some problems in the past with leaking. It has it's flaws but is overall pretty nice.

I have an appointment to take it to a Honda mechanic to give it a good once over and make up a list of prioritized service that is needed. There is a pretty loud noise coming from the head. I had originally thought maybe it was the distributor so I swapped the one out of my other CRX and that turned out to not be the problem. Hopefully the mechanic will be able to diagnose it.

Only paid $700 for it too! Even if it has some pretty major mechanical problems I feel like I am ahead of the game, at least as far as Northeastern US CRXs are concerned.

On to the pics.....


ezeedee 09-25-2007 04:39 PM

so excited you had to post it thrice?

nice lookin car though, ive always loved crx's.

UfoTofU 09-25-2007 04:46 PM

Yah, hmm.

I was trying to edit it to get the pictures right. When I finished it it posted it 3 times.

Sorry guys.

cfg83 09-25-2007 07:01 PM

UfoTofU -

Good for you. That is my year of CRX, the round gauge cluster. I sold it to my friend who lives in Phoenix. When I was looking at your pictures, I kept trying to convince myself that it had been repainted from black to blue. You're gonna love that car (oh wait, you already have one).

$700?!?!?!?!?! Jeepers.


UfoTofU 09-25-2007 08:33 PM

I definitely like CRXs. Can't beat a rust free body in the Northeast either.

Whenever I hear about someone who sold a CRX that they had owned they always remember doing so with regret.

SVOboy 09-26-2007 04:23 AM

Looks pretty nice. I like the celestial blue pearl, too bad it's fallen a little flat after all that arizona sunshine, :p

cfg83 09-26-2007 01:04 PM

SVOboy -


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 73899)
Looks pretty nice. I like the celestial blue pearl, too bad it's fallen a little flat after all that arizona sunshine, :p

Yeah, but if it becomes a keeper, he can pick a new color for it.

UfoTofU -

You're right, I miss my CRX. This site makes me notice it more. If I could ju$tify owning another car, I'd restore a 1991 CRX. Then I would have to change my nickname to CaRloX.


UfoTofU 09-26-2007 04:06 PM

Carlos -

I plan on holding onto this one for a while.

This thread will actually sorta be my ongoing project thread actually.

Today -

I removed the tint that was on the rear hatch seeing as how it was sun-beaten.

Started on taking the A/C system out.

Got the 4 speakers and head unit hooked up.

GasSavers_TomO 09-26-2007 08:20 PM

CBP was my favorite color on a CRX...me jealous, lol.

If you want the OEM evaporator delete duct (replaces the ginormus evaporator under the dashboard), just let me know. I have one sitting around collecting dust.

cfg83 09-26-2007 09:42 PM

UfoTofU -


Originally Posted by UfoTofU (Post 73995)
Carlos -

I plan on holding onto this one for a while.

This thread will actually sorta be my ongoing project thread actually.

Today -

I removed the tint that was on the rear hatch seeing as how it was sun-beaten.

Started on taking the A/C system out.

Got the 4 speakers and head unit hooked up.

Cool. Since you have 2, then you have the choice of going stock with one and crazy-light-MPG maniac with the other.


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