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-   -   Almost 100 vehicles getting +30% EPA! (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f2/almost-100-vehicles-getting-30-epa-5547.html)

bones33 07-25-2007 12:25 PM

Almost 100 vehicles getting +30% EPA!
Great job everyone!! I just noticed that as a group we're doing much better than EPA - by a pretty good margin! About 2/3 are above EPA.

It is plain by the discussions that technique is by far the most cost effective factor in beating the EPA, second would be aerodynamic improvements, and lastly are mechanical related such as warm air intake, grooved heads, tuning etc. Greatest total gains seem to involve the above ranked in the same order as well.

Way to go! Great work everyone! Thanks Matt for setting up this site!

Garage question:
As I'm in the market for a new(er) vehicle to use with carpooling. Is there a way to search the garage for 4 door vehicles ranked by % over EPA (those most likely to exceed)? Or by make or model?

Rick Rae 07-25-2007 02:10 PM

Yeah, it's great to see the ongoing improvement!

I've been actively participating here for about a month (I lurked, read, and learned for quite a while before that). When I first started my gaslog I was in the number 42 slot for percent-above-EPA. Since then I've improved my FE by 20% "instantaneous" (from about 30 to 36 MPG)... and simultaneously slid down towards 50th place! :p

That either means others are improving faster than I am, or a lot of new folks are coming on board and doing a super job from the get-go. Or both. Regardless of the details, it's great news! :thumbup::)

So allow me to join you in your congratulations and appreciation, beatr911! I'm looking forward to falling farther in the standings.

Well actually not, but you know what I mean. ;) And you guys on the most-efficient-automatic leaderboard, keep one eye on your rearviews! :cool:


GeekGuyAndy 07-25-2007 06:50 PM

Rick Rae, I have the same problem... every time I look at the garage I've slid down a few spots! I'm in the middle of the pack, and just started hypermiling, so a few more fillups might help boost me higher again :D

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