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GasSavers_rookie 07-21-2007 08:31 PM

1000 Horsepower and 40 MPG, I Wish
I?m a racer with a ? ton 2001 Chevy 2500HD Ext. cab long bed for towing and hauling so fuel economy for me is almost out of the question. Although efficiency is the key to making power and reduced drag and rolling resistance is the key to going as fast as possible with a given amount of horsepower. Therefore, the things you guys do to save fuel intrigue me. It provides some useful info; I just recently got a Scan Gauge and am very pleased with it. I will be doing some fuel mileage test with some fuel and oil catalyst that I use and if it holds true to form, I should see about a 6% fuel savings. I follow a Tech writer and engine builder that has been in the auto industry for some forty years and is working on an extensive article on what he calls a true bio-motor. The article is not posted yet but here is the link if you wish to question him on this or any engine tech. https://www.gofastnews.com/board/engi...rving-car.html

cfg83 07-21-2007 10:32 PM

Hi rookie -

Welcome to GS! I am thinking that maybe you have seen or would be interested in this site, because they are trying to achieve HP and economy simultaneously :


DiamondLarry has the powre lynz mod in his Saturn :

DOHCtor Green MPG(semi-retired)


GasSavers_rookie 07-21-2007 11:29 PM

Cool, Thanks cfq83

unstable bob 07-22-2007 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by rookie (Post 64724)
I follow a Tech writer and engine builder that has been in the auto industry for some forty years and is working on an extensive article on what he calls a true bio-motor. The article is not posted yet but here is the link if you wish to question him on this or any engine tech. https://www.gofastnews.com/board/engi...rving-car.html

David Vizard is an automotive GOD!!! He ranks up there with the best in the biz. His teachings have def helped me go a bit faster over the years!

GasSavers_rookie 07-22-2007 09:39 PM

Their online magazine just started last week drop him a line I’m sure he would like it

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