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dj1000 07-14-2007 12:13 PM

New from WI
Just wanted to say Hello!!

Been reading on this site recently and am going to need advice soon regarding my sway, so I figured I would sign up. Seems to be a lot of great information here that will be a big help with my swap.

Live in Wisconsin, and have a 1995 Civic DX automatic, soon to be transformed into a Civic VX 5 speed fuel efficient machine.

Yes, I know the vtec-e's are slow as can be, but with gas prices and 50mpg, how could one resist.


88HF 07-14-2007 12:32 PM

No apology necessary(if you haven't noticed), Welcome!

McPatrick 07-14-2007 04:09 PM

Welcome. There are some people here who are very knowledgable about VX's (not me I just own one :) ) and you have come to a good place to get info.
And anyways, I don't think the VX engine is that slow really, but then again I owned a CX before :)

dj1000 07-14-2007 04:45 PM

Thanks for the welcome!

Yeah, I hope to get the right tips from this site to make the swap work.

Sigifrith 07-14-2007 05:19 PM

Welcome aboard! At this rate, we'll need a VX section off the main page.

McPatrick 07-14-2007 05:38 PM

Nahh, I think it's fun if everybody feels involved whatever you drive and if there is a some problem with a model x I think people that drive model y can also give good advice. I will agree that it is tempting, but really I think that it's one of the cool things about this site that it doesn't matter what you drive. Obviously people that drive a VX will react more when another VX driver has some problem, but I still like reading what others do with their Metro, Saturn or whatever :)

SVOboy 07-15-2007 05:26 AM

Welcome to the site, good luck and good travels!

GasSavers_Ryland 07-15-2007 07:20 AM

Are you doing just a tranny swap, or a whole power train swap?
The VX is not slow, you can drive one slow, but they are not a slow car, you have 92 hp @ 5500 rpm & 97 ft?lbf @ 4500 rpm, it's rare to find an engine that has more torque then horse power, (altho the cx is simaler with it's 87ft?lbf @ 3000rpm) it's that torque that gives you awsome acceleration, and alows you to keep the engine speed lower while cruseing, then you are going from an automatic to a manual trasmition, so you will feel a big power gain just from that, but really, how much power do you need? the highest speedlimit in wisconsin is 65mph, our honda 600 with it's 32hp can brake that speed limit by 12mph, so how much more do you need?

dj1000 07-15-2007 08:17 AM

I am doing a whole drivetrain swap, speed or hp is not the issue. The 65 mustang is for that. This is my fuel efficient daily driver.

The civic has a D15B7 auto, so I am swapping in the D15BZ1 5 speed. The harness is the only thing that has me stumped as to what direction to go.

Hockey4mnhs 07-15-2007 10:59 AM

good luck and welcome

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