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fabrio 07-12-2007 03:41 AM

hello boys

This is one of mine first post, I read this forum from years, but I write alone hour why my English is very bad.

your forum is a lot interesting, in particular , the sections of aerodynamics and fuel economy.
My car is an Opel Tigra 1.4 liters with 90 bhp, an figure of 0.31 Cd and frontal area of 1.78m^2 . I am interesting of increase aerodynamic and I am now in this forum for this.

this is an opel tigra


ciao fabrio

88HF 07-12-2007 03:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I like your car, it reminds me of a mazda mx-3. https://www.gassavers.org/attachment....1&d=1184241210

88HF 07-12-2007 04:26 AM

4 Attachment(s)
I like the opel pickup as well. . .


CO ZX2 07-12-2007 06:14 AM

fabrio, you have a very attractive car and it looks very aerodynamic. What is the year of manufacture?

What is your mpg fuel economy now? Describe your driving conditions to us, % highway speed and city. What is your transmission type? Please enter your car information in Gassavers garage and gas log when you can.

A simple aerodynamic modification is blocking all the front air openings as much as possible. It always helps. You can do this with cardboard and tape in a few minutes for a test trial, seal as well as possible. Just watch your temperature gauge.

I am sure you are doing better with English than most of us would ever do with Italian language. Glad to have you here at GasSavers.

cfg83 07-12-2007 02:36 PM

2 Attachment(s)
fabrio -

The Tigra is one of my favorite little cars. It is in the same class (or smaller?) than the Peugeot 206/7 :

Attachment 689


fabrio 07-12-2007 03:48 PM

thanks to all for the acceptance :)
the Tigra, is a small car, of 3922 milimeters of length, 1604 mm of width (without mirrior) and 1340 mm of height .

the year of manufacture is 1996

urban cycle 6,0 l/100Km
extra urban (ormaly at 90Km/h) 7,7 l/100Km
hiway...sorry I do not know

max speed 192Km/h

CO ZX2, I do not have time, but afterday, I will open a topic in appropriate forum section in order to together discuss you

good nigth



brucepick 07-13-2007 10:46 AM

As someone else already said, your English is much better than my (our) Italian.

Glad to have you here!

You can look in Forums - General Fuel Economy Discussion. Two "sticky" items at the top:
- "list of gas saving tips from best to worst"
- "GS FAQ/Glossary, Busted/Confirmed Mods, Archive"

These have a lot of the most valuable information here.

There is also Forums - Aerodynamics Discussion.
It has a sticky item "List of aero mods you can do to your car/truck"
Did you find that one already?

If you need help understanding some of these maybe someone here can help. Sometimes a few more words will help.

Welcome, and good luck!!

fabrio 07-14-2007 02:13 PM

you write in Italian :)

brucepick, I have read the link that you have indicated to me, finding them a lot interesting, particularly this: GS FAQ/Glossary, Busted/Confirmed Mods, Archive
the forum (Aerodynamics Discussion) instead, I read it for a long time.

COZX2: I have read your garage, and task, than you are much brave one, you are taking cue from you... hai made a fantastic job
ah, I have update my garage: https://www.gassavers.org/garage/view/712

diamondlarry 07-14-2007 02:57 PM

Welcome Fabrio! You have a very nice looking car. And your English is not so bad as you think. I didn't notice what type of transmission you have. Is it a manual? I have never met someone from Italy, what is the weather like there? Is your driving terrain flat or are there a lot of hills? Your car seems like it has all of the proper things to get very got fuel economy. Again, welcome.

fabrio 07-14-2007 04:09 PM

Hi diamondlarry nice to meet you :)

my car use an manual trasmission with 5 speed and I am entusiast of my car for the handling and speed.

I am interested to the technique in a generalized manner, and after many years to elaborate the motors of mine and other people's car, I am being interested to the aerodynamics, but also to the efficiency of the motor. After much time that I attend this forum and after to have read many of your enterprises, I have decided to write not without difficulty. In this time, I have understood who are the crazy forum users, than then, they are, my mentors.

I live in Naples, but I came from Cagliari (it is the first city of Sardegna island), and between 3 month I will go to live in Rome.
Now, the temperature it is of approximately 32°C, but 3 past weeks it was of over 40°C.

In my original country (sardegna), the roads are rich of curves...I loves the curves :), the roads are rich of curves, but there are the freeways here, and to understood me, to push the car to the maximum speed :)



p.s. please, look my updated garage: https://www.gassavers.org/garage/view/712

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