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cmhj2000 07-09-2007 04:07 PM

Howdy Gas Squeezers 05 Vibe
Finally took the time to register and say "HI".

Got an 05 base Vibe W/Auto. Typically I'll get about 36-38 MPG on the Interstate doing the speed limit. Can, when traffic allows and with fair weather, get near 40 MPG averaging 60 MPH.

Have read a lot of good posts here.

LRR tires are my big interest at this time.


CO ZX2 07-09-2007 04:50 PM

cmhj2000, Welcome to GasSavers. You're saving gas already but you will be doing better soon. Lots of good help around here. If you can, try slowing down a little and pump your tires to 45 psi. You will amaze yourself.

Enter your garage and gaslog info when you get time. Other members like to see whatcha got.

cfg83 07-09-2007 05:48 PM

cmhj2000 -

Welcome to GS! I have been waiting for a Vibe to join us because I am eager to see what a GasSaver can do in that drivetrain. There are a few of your sister "Matrices" in the garage, but it doesn't look like they have recent gaslogs.


MnFocus 07-09-2007 06:10 PM

Had a Moonstone 05 myself (loooong story) ,anyway you've got a good start . Get the pressure to max on the sidewall to start - 40's are *that* easy even with the auto . Start a Garage and gaslog entry and Definitely read up ! Welcome !!

SVOboy 07-09-2007 08:31 PM

Welcome to the site! Can't wait to see those numbers grow!

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