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-   -   Senate Approves Fuel Standard of 35 MPG By 2020 (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f16/senate-approves-fuel-standard-of-35-mpg-by-2020-a-5145.html)

OdieTurbo 06-22-2007 02:53 AM

Senate Approves Fuel Standard of 35 MPG By 2020
Heard this on the radio on my way in this morning! What'ya all think?

zpiloto 06-22-2007 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by OdieTurbo (Post 60151)
Heard this on the radio on my way in this morning! What'ya all think?

The other side of the argument.

OdieTurbo 06-22-2007 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by zpiloto (Post 60169)
The other side of the argument.

Hmmm, maybe I should have opted for the 2001 Pontiac Bonneville...

tulsa_97sr5 06-22-2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by zpiloto (Post 60169)
The other side of the argument.

The Heritage Foundation seem a little biased to me, partially funded by exxon

I'd love to see higher CAFE standards. The automakers are constantly saying they can't meet whatever new regulation is proposed, but then they do. Look back at how emissions standards have changed. Engines today are light years ahead of the late 60's and it has a lot to do with meeting those very regs they said they couldn't.

Silveredwings 06-23-2007 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by zpiloto (Post 60169)
The other side of the argument.

That all seems like very well funded opinion to me. The only thing is it basically says "getting a higher mpg wastes more gas." I don't care how well spun that iis, it's just 'Nick Nayler' style FUD.

zpiloto 06-23-2007 06:21 AM

Here's another bias one.


Some more lightreading.
This is very long but worth wading through. You can spool down to the bottom for the conclusions.


The committee heard it said that CAFE may have instigated
the shift from automobiles to light trucks by allowing
manufacturers to evade the stricter standards on automobiles.
It is quite possible that CAFE did play a role in the shift, but
the committee was unable to discover any convincing evidence
that it was a very important role. The less stringent
CAFE standards for trucks did provide incentives for manufacturers
to invest in minivans and SUVs and to promote
them to consumers in place of large cars and station wagons,
but other factors appear at least as important. Domestic
manufacturers also found light-truck production to be very
attractive because there was no foreign competition in the
highest-volume truck categories. By shifting their product
development and investment focus to trucks, they created
more desirable trucks with more carlike features: quiet, luxurious
interiors with leather upholstery. top-of-the-line audio
systems, extra rows of seats, and extra doors. With no Japanese
competition for large pickup trucks and SWs, U.S.
manufacturers were able to price the vehicles at levels that
generated handsome profits. The absence of a gas guzzler
tax on trucks and the exemption from CAFE standards for
trucks over 8,500 Ib also provided incentives

Finding 10. Raising CAFE standards would reduce future
fuel consumption below what it otherwise would be; however,
other policies could accomplish the same end at lower
cost, provide more flexibility to manufacturers, or address
inequities arising from the present system. Possible alternatives
that appear to the committee to be superior to the
current CAFE structure include tradable credits for fuel
economy improvements, feebates,? higher fuel taxes, standards
based on vehicle attributes (for example, vehicle
weight, size, or payload), or some combination of these

Bill in Houston 06-23-2007 11:29 AM

Over on the Element board I visit, they were all in a tizzy thinking that Honda wouldn't be able to make the Element anymore because it gets less than 35 mpg. It is a funny group...

repete86 06-25-2007 07:19 PM

That's nothing. I have no doubt that these companies can double their mileage in less than five years if they had to.

WisJim 06-27-2007 11:01 AM

Look at what was available 10 to 15 years ago, cars like the Metro XFI and Civic VX. Not much has improved since then, except the cars get heavier and faster. I think CAFE standards should increase by at least I mpg per year, with no end, and it should include all non-commercial vehicles, and have similar increases for commercial vehicles. And, gas tax should be increased, say 10 cents a month increase, forever.

ZugyNA 07-08-2007 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by zpiloto (Post 60337)
The committee heard it said that CAFE may have instigated
the shift from automobiles to light trucks by allowing
manufacturers to evade the stricter standards on automobiles.
It is quite possible that CAFE did play a role in the shift, but
the committee was unable to discover any convincing evidence
that it was a very important role. The less stringent
CAFE standards for trucks did provide incentives for manufacturers
to invest in minivans and SUVs and to promote
them to consumers in place of large cars and station wagons,
but other factors appear at least as important. Domestic
manufacturers also found light-truck production to be very
attractive because there was no foreign competition in the
highest-volume truck categories. By shifting their product
development and investment focus to trucks, they created
more desirable trucks with more carlike features: quiet, luxurious
interiors with leather upholstery. top-of-the-line audio
systems, extra rows of seats, and extra doors. With no Japanese
competition for large pickup trucks and SWs, U.S.
manufacturers were able to price the vehicles at levels that
generated handsome profits. The absence of a gas guzzler
tax on trucks and the exemption from CAFE standards for
trucks over 8,500 Ib also provided incentives

So due to congresses STUPIDITY (or was it COLLUSION?) the whole pickup truck/SUV craze got started...leading to the the Hummer and the eventual invasion of Iraq? :rolleyes: Talk about yer basic conspiracy? :eek:

If the new CAFE standards cover EVERYTHING and don't allow this kind of thing to happen again...they might just shutdown the HP wars...giving us some reasonable mpg and reasonable HP levels? Screw the US car companies.

JUST BETTER cover the big rigs TOO cause the dummies will all be driving over the road diesels set up as pickups and SUVS...they already make these. :rolleyes:

Of course they have to get His Ignorance to sign it....

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