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ma4t 06-19-2007 05:57 PM

Anybody use RainX or other products?
I have used this and similar products for many years. I really love using it here in the midwest because we get a lot of rain.

I used to like to drive "zippy" and at some speeds windshield wipers don't work well. So I started using RainX. I love it. I'm just wondering if I'm saving any drag by not using my wipers.

So, is anybody using these products? Do you think they help at all with aerodynamics? My uneducated guess is that since I'm not using my wipers on the freeway, I'm decreasing drag (however slightly). Plus, I like watching the rain fly up the windshield.

thisisntjared 06-19-2007 06:02 PM

i <3 rain x and fog x.

cfg83 06-19-2007 06:03 PM

ma4t -

Some people use RainX and then remove their wipers for an aero improvement. This is mostly illegal, but I think you could get away with only one driver's side wiper, assuming you have nice highway police in your area. Lots of people have removed their rear window wipers (not illegal).

I use RainX, but I let my car get really dirty, so I don't get around to applying it too much.


VetteOwner 06-19-2007 06:05 PM

ehh not really the tiny factor of the rain and wet pavement is prolyl more of a factor than wipers...
but i love rainx! heh eits fun driving and watching it all slide off. till it hits that spot that you missed :D

rh77 06-19-2007 06:12 PM

When it's on sale, I use the Rain-X washer fluid. Adds it as you drive -- and makes visibility better whether you use the wipers or not.


Hockey4mnhs 06-19-2007 07:06 PM

yup i use it its awsome!!!!!

Mentalic 06-19-2007 07:40 PM

Rain-X user for years! First time it rained after I applied the rainX I told my wife it should be required by law!
How well you can get by completely without the wipers really depends allot on the angle of the wind shield though. We had a Previa that blew the rain off at 20mph but my 4 Runner takes over 40 mph to get it moving....
Really like Rain-X on the side and rear windows so you can actually see out of them.

Erdrick 06-19-2007 09:06 PM

Yeah, it is a nice innovation that really works. Also looks cool on a car. Beaded water looks better than splotchy water. I don't get going fast enough to have it be really effective usually though. The side and rear windows really love it!

JanGeo 06-20-2007 04:04 AM

I used it but found the washer fluid washes it off too quickly so I started using the polish I use on the rest of my xB which is also recommended for glass. RejeX is a polymer coating which seems to last longer than rainx and makes water run right off as well as bugs an sap not stick. Doesn't desolve with the alcohol in the washer fluid and is so slippery that you can wipe the dirt and pollen off the windshield with dry wiper blades. I also applied it to the outside and inside of the power window glass and they go up and down easier and stay cleaner. It also keeps the body slicker for better FE! Dirt just rinses off and bug wipe off when wet or rinse off with a blast of water.

SL8Brick 06-20-2007 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Mentalic (Post 59450)
We had a Previa that blew the rain off at 20mph but my 4 Runner takes over 40 mph to get it moving....

Yea, watching water droplets move on a RainX'd windshield can be entertaining. The rate @ which it moves is dependant on the windshield rake angle & curvature. I RainX'd the glass on my friends Volvo PV544 once(w/s angle close to 90deg), the droplets couldn't sit on the glass when the car was standing still, let alone in motion.

My Volvo got the complete RainX/Liquid Glass treatment on Sunday. It was fun watching the water fly off the glass and the paint this morning.

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