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-   -   just another Hoax or is there something to this? (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f8/just-another-hoax-or-is-there-something-to-this-5007.html)

mpg_maniac 06-14-2007 03:48 PM

just another Hoax or is there something to this?


Dynamometer tests on 318 Chrysler engine have indicated 9 times mileage from our future "Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter"!

To shock you even further - imagine using water with the PICC in a 50/50 ratio to potentially increase that mileage to 18 times yours. If you're filling your tank weekly, then once a PICC is installed in your car you may need only to fill your tank three times a year!

Also with a PICC, changing your oil due to carbon contamination will be days gone by. For this and other reasons, such as a cooler burn, your engine is likely to last much longer.

Snax 06-14-2007 03:57 PM

That has to be a misprint. I'm sure they meant 20x. :rolleyes:

GasSavers_Red 06-14-2007 04:02 PM

Tis a marvel of modern science! No exhaust, gas comes spilling out of your tank! How can I loose?


repete86 06-14-2007 04:02 PM

It doesn't even make sense. Why would you have a cat in the fuel line?

mpg_maniac 06-14-2007 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Snax (Post 58132)
That has to be a misprint. I'm sure they meant 20x. :rolleyes:

Maybe they didn't want to create a frenzy of orders, or they wanted to under promise and over deliver. I'm going to order their system RIGHT NOW and I'll probably be getting 1500MPG by next week.

But seriously, is there "ANYTHING" at all to their claims of better FE?

Snax 06-14-2007 04:20 PM

It makes 'plasma'! 'Cracked' into it's elements! Wow! I'm not so sure I want a 'storm' happening in my fuel lines though.

Seems the Alex Jones DVD is the only thing they sell of any value. (But I'm betting you can find it for less than $19.95.)

Matt Timion 06-14-2007 04:33 PM

Okay... it somehow magically converts gasoline to PLASMA?

And the injectors have no problem with this?


Anyway, check this out:


Currently you're getting somewhere between 13% to 23% of the energy out of your fuel. This is mostly due to the fact that your car is designed to prevent you from completely vaporizing your fuel, thereby making sure you don’t get good fuel economy! Your computer checks to see if you're getting better economy and if you are, the computer is programmed to increase fuel flow and prevent fuel saving!
That's 100% untrue. While your vehicle may only use 13-23% of the energy out of the fuel, it's because of friction (tires) and wind resistance, not the engine's inability to vaporize fuel. The entire point of injectors is to vaporize the fuel... to convert it to a mist and to mix it with oxygen. In reality, more than 98% of the fuel is burned in a properly running engine. (source 1)

FYI, in order to turn something into plasma, it first has to be a gas, not a liquid. Gas is converted to plasma by ionizing it, or by introducing an extra electron into the molecule. This requires heating the [gas] and then ionizing it. I seriously doubt that this is something that would happen with a small device like this.

Oh, and even if it did convert it to a plasma, it would still not burn more efficiently. Making it a plasma would make it more electrically conduction, making it more responsive to electric fields. None of this, of course, has anything to do with it burning more efficiently. (source 2)

Of course, you don't have to believe me... you can spend $1000 on their product the size of a TV remote. After all, they can't be lying, can they? I mean, they DO have a video on their site :)


Fuel Vaporization - Tony's Fuel Saving Info

Plasma - wikipedia



Just as a general rule of thumb consider the following:

Recently Honda had a fit over the Fit (ba-dum-bum) not qualifying for the government rebate for fuel economy. They ended up sending every owner a $2000 check to make it right. Honda would have done ANYTHING to make their vehicle qualify, as it was a real reputation damager for them in this instance.

Whenever someone recommends vast conspiracies as the reasoning for vehicles getting horrible gas mileage, I have to scratch my head. If Honda, or Toyota, or Ford, could produce a vehicle that gets 200 MPG by simply adding a $1000 device (which probably costs around $30 to make) don't you think they would do it? Oh, and it has no emissions either.

[sarcasm] I can't imagine an auto maker wanting to sell a car that gets 200MPG and has zero emissions... not at all..[/sarcasm]

[Forrest Gump]And that's all I got to say about that[/Forrest Gump]

ma4t 06-14-2007 04:38 PM

Does this mean a new tv is going to come out of my tailpipe? Maybe I should cut down on the Acetone. :D


Silveredwings 06-14-2007 04:45 PM

Do you actually think someone would lie to get money?! :eek:

Matt Timion 06-14-2007 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings (Post 58150)
Do you actually think someone would lie to get money?! :eek:

You're right... I mean, they have a webpage, and videos.

AND, the guy in the videos looks like an average guy. Must be true. Yep. I'm ordering one now.

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