A/C Clutch for other belt driven equipment.
Posting #2 for today. How about using an electric clutch from an automotive A/C compressor for other belt driven accessories not needed at all times? I was thinking of the power steering pump mostly. When at slow speeds it engages and turns the pump when it is more difficult to turn the wheel. While at highway speed it is disengaged when the wheel is easier to turn. Or would this be a waste of time because when you are not turning the steering wheel the pump is adding little resistance to the engine?
Any ideas of other underhood equipment that this could be used on? Thanks |
I would say that considering your car you should just remove power steering completely. I don't know what else it could be used for, but if I were going to work on power steering I would just remove it.
Another excellent point. I am surprised it still works anyway.
yea if you take off the belt to it and spin it by had it will keep spinning a little bit after you let go...they dont have much resistance at all. might see a .01 mpg increase...(newer pumps that is)
what car is it? if its old (like anyhting older than i dunno 1980) then i might consider it... |
Do some additional checking re. your own particular car before disabling the power steering.
Of course setting it up with an electric clutch as in AC pump still leaves it available. I've seen p/s removal discussed on the Volvo boards, and the p/s rack and pinon is not the same as the manual one. Those who've disabled the Volvo p/s usually end up hunting for a rack and pinion out of a non-p/s car as the gearing is really too heavy for in-town use without the power assist. As usual, ymmv. |
Every moving device under the hood uses some energy, including the belt and bearings, even if no actual load is put on them. As car become more efficient, this load becomes a greater part of the total fuel use. These losses are almost meaningless on a Chevy Suburban, but are significant on a Civic.
I've often thought that all accessories should be electric powered, and that they should be supplied with electrcity from some wasted energy under the hood, like eaxhaust heat. |
ehh mechanical PS pump: last pretty much forever. electrical:motor will wear out in a few years. (just like power window/mirror/seat motors)
driving along all of a sudden the electric motor siezes and walla! no more power steering and tougher than hell to turn else wise... |
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