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roadyj 06-02-2007 05:10 AM

Great Site
My name is Guy I am driving a 1995 Corolla, which has a 1.6-liter and automatic transmission. When I bought it the front bumper cover was missing. I have pieced one together from the front ends of a 2007 dodge Magnum (6" cut out of the middle and spliced), a 2005 Toyota Tacoma, two trailer clearance lights (turn signals), sheet metal, and fiberglass. It sounds horrible but actually looks interesting.

Anyway this is a second vehicle I am using to get to and from work or about 60 miles per day. My other vehicle is a 2000 Nissan Frontier crew cab. The savings in gas mileage easily pays for the additional insurance for the car and is working to repay the initial investment of $500.00 for the car itself.

This site has helped me understand some of the concepts of aerodynamics and fuel economy which I have and will continue to apply to my current project. I plan to continue modifying the car and am totally open to any suggestions or advice anyone may have.

Thanks for the site!

MnFocus 06-02-2007 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by roadyj (Post 54375)
1995 Corolla, which has a 1.6-liter and automatic transmission. I have pieced one together from the front ends of a 2007 dodge Magnum a 2005 Toyota Tacoma, two trailer clearance lights (turn signals), sheet metal, and fiberglass. actually looks interesting.

My other vehicle is a 2000 Nissan Frontier crew cab. The savings in gas mileage easily pays for the additional insurance for the car and is working to repay the initial investment of $500.00 for the car itself.

This site has helped me understand some of the concepts of aerodynamics and fuel economy which I have and will continue to apply to my current project. I plan to continue modifying the car and am totally open to any suggestions or advice anyone may have.

Thanks for the site!

Welcome aboard ! You *do* realize that pics of that "Cor-oma-num" are *required* don't you ? ;)

roadyj 06-02-2007 06:31 AM

Pics enroute

Will have them shortly

SVOboy 06-02-2007 06:32 AM

Welcome aboard!

roadyj 06-02-2007 07:52 AM

Just posted pics as requested. If interested see Yoda 2 in Garage.

MnFocus 06-02-2007 08:44 PM

An interesting melding indeed ! Kudos for creativity and originality . Now I just *have* to inquire.... it will get filled ,primered and painted , won't it ? I really like the overall idea and think it deserves the 'final touches' .It doesn't have to go into the paint shop , a quite satifactory job can be done with a rattle can .

roadyj 06-03-2007 04:16 AM

Oh, yes I will finish the job on the front end. I have (crossing my fingers) constructed it in a way that allows me to remove the whole front clip as a single unit, which should allow me to do my finishing work on it in the controlled enviroment of my work shop. I do have a few more ideas I will need to try before I get to that paint though. There is a really large flat vertical surface that covers the actual bumper that I plan to modify before final paint. I do not have a wind tunnel but it is the place where the most dead bugs are every time. This indicates to me the air is being pushed and not split there. I will give it a long wedge shape there before actually finishing that part of the project.

MnFocus 06-03-2007 05:04 AM

I'll be watching for this Debugger you speak of . Be sure to update !!

Hockey4mnhs 06-03-2007 09:04 AM

welcome to site

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