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GasSavers_jkandell 05-29-2007 05:29 PM

Shell hypermiler games
Shell Oil Hypermiler Game

Harder than real driving if you ask me.

landspeed 05-30-2007 03:07 AM

Avoid repeatedly topping up your fuel tank to reduce vapour loss :D

By the way, you run out of fuel at 1/4 tank on the indicator!

Also, you can't engine-off coast, draft, or anything like that!

By the way, look at this:


It tells you how to glide in a Hybrid!

davidjh72 05-30-2007 05:03 AM

Yesterday I saw a Prius with license plate "GRNCAR". Driving between two small towns, this Prius passes me 5 over the limit while I'm 5 under. That car gets about a mile ahead of me at one point. I pull up behind that Prius at the first stop light in the next town, flashing my hi-beams twice, as if to say "Hey, remember me?" I got 47 MPG in those 15 miles. That Prius was lucky to get 40 at the speeds it was going.

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