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GasSavers_James 05-16-2007 05:43 PM

Civic Lowering springs for sale
I am selling lowering springs off my 94 civic vx...I am in the process of bringing the suspension back to stock. I do not have the manual but the springs say "tuned by matrix", and are quite a bit shorter and firmer than stock. They also come with 2 metal pieces for the top and bottom of the spring that fit into the stock strut setup. they were installed last august, and have a few scratches on the metal hardware, but are fully functional. I am looking for 45 $ plus shipping for all 4.

lca13 05-16-2007 07:34 PM

I'll take them... can I paypal you the money?

SVOboy 05-16-2007 08:12 PM

Damnit, I should sell mine!

Brian D. 05-17-2007 05:25 AM

SVO Boy, why would you want to sell yours? Is your car currently lowered, or have you taken these back off for some reason? I had been kicking around the idea, but didn't want to go nutz driving 40K annualy with a bone-jarring stiff ride. Don't get me wrong; I'd love to be lower to the ground to reduce drag.

SVOboy 05-17-2007 06:08 AM

I got a new set, one is still on the car, one is off.

GasSavers_James 05-17-2007 06:43 AM

I've only ever used paypal to buy things before, so I dont know how that works...but if you know how to do it that would be fine. Also, you might have to wait 5-6 days...I still haven't done the back yet...the VX looks like its got a lift on the front!

lca13 05-17-2007 08:08 AM

Here is my email: lca13@yahoo.com

Send me your paypal login id (like mine is just lca13@yahoo.com), then I'll wire you the $40 and after you ship them, tell me how much the shipping cost and I'll wire you that. No rush, take your time.

GasSavers_James 05-21-2007 03:08 AM

Ok sounds good. My paypal name is dulle@ecomail.org
I have now done 3 sides, so the car rides a little funny. One bolt on the bottom of the suspension is holding me up. I broke two 14 mm sockets, Even an impact wrench couldnt get it off. I haven't stripped it yet though! It was one i didnt know i had to take off before hand so i didnt lube it the day before. If the bolt comes off i will put it in a box and ship it on thurs or so.

lca13 05-21-2007 06:43 AM

All bolts break free when they are red hot :-) $40 sent... let me know if it doesn't make it. Ship to Amundsen 612 Mystic Ln Foster City CA 94404, then let me know the shipping costs and I will send them via paypal as well.

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