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slurp812 05-08-2007 07:07 AM

New User, old car
I have a 1994 Honda Accord EX Coupe with a 5 speed manual. It just had a tune up, EGR ports cleaned. So its running like NEW. I am doing average 25 mpg or so. and I want to do better. My G/Fs 2002 Monte Carlo SS (3.8 L motor) is beating me with 26 mpg average. Its no doubt the driver. I tend to be a lead foot. I am coming here to change my ways!

GasSavers_TomO 05-08-2007 08:56 AM

Congrats and welcome! In no time flat your accord will be beating the pants off of your GF. ;) Be sure to check out the Busted/confirmed Mods thread and driving technique and you'll be on your way. You should make a gas log and garage online here as well to share with us all.

Hockey4mnhs 05-08-2007 02:00 PM

its not that old dont let that stop ya

usedgeo 05-09-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by slurp812 (Post 50601)
My G/Fs 2002 Monte Carlo SS (3.8 L motor) is beating me with 26 mpg average. Its no doubt the driver. I tend to be a lead foot.

Welcome. Be suspicious of the Monte Carlo mileage if it comes from the onboard display ;) . I like the 3.8 motor and currently own three of them but the mileage computer in my 2001 Impala is programmed to ready about 14% better than reality.


MetroMPG 05-10-2007 06:45 AM

Welcome. Too bad the car's too old for a ScanGauge. That's usually one of my first recommendations. You could get a SuperMID if you've got some mechanical skill...

What kind of commute do you face? Speed? Traffic? Terrain?

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