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GasSavers_TomO 04-23-2007 08:11 AM

Thread Suggestion
As some of you know, I have a thread titled "Civic VX Lean Burn monitor and General Info". I think it would be a great idea if we could get a specific thread going for each model of car that has common ailments and what specific models react well to certain mods.

So an example would be having threads similar to the aerodynamic threads but with model specific items being covered such as Additives, how to hook up a SuperM1D or ScanGauge, maintenance issues and things to look for when purchasing that particular model. Threads like CRX, Metro, 92-95 Civic to name a few off the top of my head. This would be great for new members searching for info on their car or who are in search of a new FE miser. It would be great for a reference point for current members as well.

This wouldn't need it's own forum or even sub-forum. They could be stickied under the General FE discussion forum and maintained by individual forum members. I would Gladly volunteer myself to be in charge of maintaining the 92-95 Civic Hatchback Info thread. It would be a great spot to combine the Civic Hatchback aerodynamics thread, the VX lean burn monitor thread, and other specific info from around the board.

zpiloto 04-23-2007 08:28 AM

Maybe I'm missing the point but I voted no just because a lot of threads for the things are already mention. The site has a very good search engine on it for finding old posts. It just takes a little effort.

GasSavers_TomO 04-23-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by zpiloto (Post 48744)
Maybe I'm missing the point but I voted no just because a lot of threads for the things are already mention. The site has a very good search engine on it for finding old posts. It just takes a little effort.

And that is pretty much the reason for not having the specific threads. But I was thinking of having the information combined into one thread instead of having the several different threads. It's ok though, I was posting this suggestion when I was fueled by two Aleve and a cup of coffee.

I'm a moderator on my buddy's car site and in charge of the technical info and FAQ thread so I'm used to collaborating info all together into one post under one thread topic. I'm also used to the "Newbness" of people on Honda-Tech and sick of seeing people not use the search, but we really don't seem to have that problem here. Thanks for posting your reason though, Zpiloto, I wasn't able to really convey that through the poll options. :thumbup:

cfg83 04-23-2007 09:59 AM

TomO -

I voted yes because I have been thinking the same thing, but I don't know how to present it. Your method makes sense.

I couldn't think of the right thing to do because normal threads always go off-topic and I didn't know how to keep it concise.


MetroMPG 04-23-2007 10:43 AM

I would vote no to a monster combo thread, but instead encourage people put together & maintain an index of relevant threads related to certain cars/issues.

Sort of like the "GS bookmarks" page I keep linked in my GS sig.

It could be made a sticky as well.

GasSavers_TomO 04-23-2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 48763)
I would vote no to a monster combo thread, but instead encourage people put together & maintain an index of relevant threads related to certain cars/issues.

Sort of like the "GS bookmarks" page I keep linked in my GS sig.

It could be made a sticky as well.

I totally forgot about that idea, very good one, Metro.

In my idea it really wouldn't be a monstrous combo thread, it would be weened of OT banter and really kept down to just one post in the thread with all the info. Deleting the posts of info added by other members once it was added to the first post. There would be a credit given at the end of the post as well. Very similar to my Learn burn monitor post only I don't have Moderator rights to delete the other posts.

But we'll see what the majority is and where it all leads....it's just a thought at this juncture, lol.

rh77 04-23-2007 06:35 PM

Good Idea, but...
I thought the same -- perhaps specific Manufacturers...

But that would be a HUGE undertaking and quite the bit of extra work and strain the site. I agree, the search engine is quite powerful, and Metro's idea of bookmark fav's is a good tool.

Management of the system would be difficult and time-consuming. So far, so good with the organization.

Good thoughts, but I voted No.


GasSavers_TomO 04-24-2007 07:45 AM

Metro really got me thinking, and I'm going to make a topics/links thread and place a link to it in my signature. Wait...maybe I'll just throw some links at the bottom of my Lean Burn thread since that one has quite a bit of info in it anyways. Thanks for all the input people, keep it coming.

MetroMPG 04-24-2007 07:49 AM

Tom - I'd start a fresh "index" - that way it could be made sticky, and its title would be obvious as to what it contained. People browsing the forums wouldn't know to look in your lean burn thread for info other than that topic.

ELF 04-24-2007 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 48843)
That would leave Mr. Tempo guy talking to himself.

Well, he does that a lot anyway, but still... :D

Ya, and Mr. Sable guy talking to himself.... I said to myself, self? whats up? not much, hows the sable running?

sorry I'll stop now:o

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