Home built ramps from 2x10's?
Anybody ever built "ramps" from 2x8s or 2x10's stacked up?
I think it might work if you bevel-cut the ends so there's a slope where you roll the car up. I have steel ramps. But I don't completely trust them. My drive way is a bit uneven. I'm thinking of doing some aero work under the car once the weather actually warms up so that's why I'm thinking about this. |
No need to bevel cut ;) I've used scrap 2x4's (perpendicular to the wheels rather than parallel as pictured).
I'm not so sure you couldn't get solid resin ramps for about the same money.
I like the Mustang ramps. Made from 2x10's, not angle-cut.
At https://www.mustangworld.com/ourpics/...amps/index.htm They left 18" between steps. Nice that you would feel the steps and know how high you are. Since they're stepped flat you can stop as long as you're on the flat and the car will be pretty stable. They're 30 lb. each if I recall, and not exactly low-cost due to all the wood you'll buy. Maybe 12 or 14 inch steps for some other cars, less wood needed. |
off topic -- yet another reason to go prefab -- the prefab industry has about 2% waste :thumbup: |
My cousin has a pile of scrap wood 30ft high at his house that'd be perfect for this project. :thumbup:
Actually, I've recently been considering using some scrap (mostly 2x4s) to make a full-length pair of ramps extending my driveway's gentle slope. (I once bought some regular steel ramps but immediately returned them because they were too steep to fit under my car.)
I like my Rhino Ramps a lot. Depending on the car, an air dam might scrape, though.
those mustang ramps are way way over built, they are practicaly solid wood! so you have a 2,000 pound car, heaver in the front, right? lets say 1,200 pounds, 600lbs per wheel, sure that's a bit of weight, but not so much that solid wood is needed, I would say a 2x10 on flat with a suport every 24" inches should be more then enough, lets say you want to be really cheap (you know you want to) get a cinder block or two, and a 3 foot chunk of lumber without knots, and you have a ramp! curbs work too, old tires, a combination of those, and a floor jack.
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