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OdieTurbo 03-28-2007 05:17 AM

2 weeks of CARFAX left!
Hey ladies and gents! I've got about 2 weeks of CARFAX left! Feel free to post your VIN here and I'll CARFAX it and send you the results (make sure you have an email I can send it to).

You guys have been great so here I am doing my part! :)

Peakster 03-28-2007 06:51 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by OdieTurbo (Post 45351)
Hey ladies and gents! I've got about 2 weeks of CARFAX left! Feel free to post your VIN here and I'll CARFAX it and send you the results (make sure you have an email I can send it to).

You guys have been great so here I am doing my part! :)

Sweet deal! Can you check out the history of my old Fiero for me (1G2PM37R7FP243883)? I've always wondered if the car was in a wreck because the front passanger side body panel was a slightly different tone than the rest of the car, and I found bit of glass inside the car shortly after purchase :eek:.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to do the Geo too (2C1MR2265V6750316).
Thank for the post!

e-mail landongendur@hotmail.com

Edit: You can really see the colour difference in this picture (taken just after I bought it):

Attachment 300

OdieTurbo 03-28-2007 07:15 AM

Peakster! Just sent the CARFAX's to you! Both cars show no issues!

Peakster 03-28-2007 10:13 AM

It's greatly appreciated! Thanks! :thumbup:

VetteOwner 03-28-2007 11:21 AM

still doesnt mean it wasnt in an accident. could have been but not insurance reported...

my chevettes too old to be searrched.... i wish i could tho from what i know theres been 3 different owners since me. and the front drivers side core support is kinda mangled looking like someone banged it back out,,,

i could give u the one to my dads to see if anythings on it...

BumblingB 03-28-2007 05:26 PM

Here goes, I tried doing one but my account expired. It said there are 3 records:


Thanks for looking out for everyone.

Secret Chimp 03-28-2007 05:53 PM

I got some vague report that was kind of like a Carfax on it before I bought it; I know it was in some kind of accident (fixed the fender myself) and had a lien on it, but otherwise I'm not sure what details I missed out on.
Email: enigmaticmunkie@yahoo.com
Thanks for your generosity, or whatever doing something for free is :)

VetteOwner 03-28-2007 06:37 PM


my dads car


i did a free scan says it has 3 records, DUN DUN DUN

UfoTofU 03-28-2007 07:47 PM


My CRX, I was told it was in one front end collision, I wonder if there is anythign else a CarFax will turn up.

Thank You!


Peakster 03-28-2007 08:31 PM

*Checks CARFAX report for Fiero more closely* Ah ha! I thought the vehicle might have been an out of province model. Looks like it was shipped from Manitoba just a year before I bought it in Saskatchewan in 2003!

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