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zpiloto 03-11-2007 05:54 AM

FE Team Challenge - discussion
Challenge results posted in this thread: FE Team Challenge: stats & current standings

With the upcoming FE season right around the corner MetroMPG and I decided to have a friendly FE competition. We took turns picking 4 other cars to compete against each other as a team. We will use the new EPA values and average the team % EPA to determine the winner. MetroMpg will be posting updates and results as the competition moves forward.

My team will be composed of:

Kyoto Camel too-Lug_Nut
The green machine-repete 86
Peugeot 405-BeeUU
Jetta Wagon-Brock.

MetroMPG team will be composed of:

DOHCtor Green MPG-Diamondlarry
90 Laser-DRW
Keeps on rolling'-basjoos
The Sable- ELF.

We will be starting the competition on Monday the 12th no real ending date we'll see how it goes. The rules are as Follows:

1. Must have at least one gaslog entry every 30 days.
2. Minimum fill must be 3 gallons.
3. Must record all fill ups.
4. There will be a 5% penalty to the team EPA for fills of less then 3 gallons or no fills with in 30 day.
5. Competition will be based on combined team % of EPA using the new numbers since that's what the Gaslogs will reflect.

We will be using new EPA numbers so go Here and make sure your numbers are correct. We'll post team %EPA in a couple of days to give everyone a chance to make sure theirs is correct in the Gaslog.

Winner get bragging right at GS and King for a day. Air up those tires and let the competition begin.

ELF 03-11-2007 08:15 AM

What kind of rules did you have for picking the teams?
You didn't just pick from the top 10.

MetroMPG 03-11-2007 08:32 AM

You're right, ELF. Rather than simply doing a "battle of the top 10", Z's idea was to mix things up by aiming for a diverse cross section of vehicles:

- at least one vehicle with automatic transmission
- at least one vehicle significantly modified from "stock"
- at least one vehicle with a V6 or bigger
- at least one 4-door vehicle

Where we had a little leeway was one car could meet more than one requirement. EG: a 4-door automatic meets 2.

repete86 03-11-2007 09:37 AM

Anyone have any team name ideas?

kwtorbe 03-11-2007 11:08 AM

Cool. I wish I had a FE Team. : (

repete86 03-11-2007 11:43 AM

Perhaps, but I don't know about other people, but I don't fill up often. I try to avoid driving locally unless it's too far to bike, raining, or carrying alot of equipment. Unless I'm on a trip, I only fill up the tank every few weeks.

For example, my last tank fill-up was on the 27th of February. I have since used about 2 1/2 gallons, and may be filling up soon just to keep it from settling for too long.

cfg83 03-11-2007 12:03 PM

theclencher -


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 43483)
Yeah I know what you're saying but still unless there are enough fill-ups to help cancel out variations...


P.S. It isn't necessary to top off every couple weeks. Even if it took me three months or six to burn a tank down to 1/4 or less that's what I'd do before topping off. It doesn't sour that fast.

Maybe for people that do "small fill-ups", they could agree to use a Jerry Can to measure the gas put into the tank.


cfg83 03-11-2007 12:17 PM

theclencher -


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 43486)
I wondered about that but I haven't seen any gas cans with gradations for accurate measurement of what's left in 'em. (?)

OK, then let's make it more complicated, since it is only for the duration of the FE Team Challenge. How about an accurate "1 gallon" measuring cup and/or thingy of some kind. Fill up the Jerry Can at the gas station, measure into the cup at home, fill from cup into the car at home. There would be some gas evaporation along that path, and the need for some safety precautions, but maybe the greater accuracy would be worth it.

Just making more work for eveyrone involved, ;) ,


kickflipjr 03-11-2007 01:58 PM

This looks like it will be fun. Let the games begin!

Lug_Nut 03-11-2007 02:08 PM

Zpiloto, which will you use, the Toyota or the Daewoo?
I've updated my 'garage' entry with the current 2008 revision of the 1997 numbers. Interestingly, the EPA old numbers for the car were lower than the vehicle manufacturer's numbers I had been using, and the 2008 revisions are lower yet. If this trend continues I'll be an Uber-miler in no time.

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