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SIFLIGINIUS 02-04-2007 12:16 PM

Someone Has Built An Efie ?
Hi to All!

I has built an EFIE and into an AFRD.

I want to compare readings of leds, flickerings and functioning at idle and higway.


GasSavers_roadrunner 02-04-2007 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 39754)

That was soooooooooooo funny! :D

Silveredwings 02-04-2007 04:59 PM

Clencher...Is that a rabbit with a flat-head? :D

zpiloto 02-04-2007 05:02 PM

Here you go https://www.eagle-research.com/FAQ/FS/efiefaq.html

JanGeo 02-04-2007 07:04 PM

That's not a bunnie with a pancake on its head . . . that's a bunnie with TWO pancakes on its head.

GasSavers_Ryland 02-04-2007 08:41 PM


Is there a problem with writting full words? at least use the full phrase at least once (in brackets?) so you are not just reading thru a whole list of initials without having a clue what they meen or are we too good for that, it does after all seem like a good way to keep this a nice little elite club, keep those pesky outsiders where they belong, in the dark!

Silveredwings 02-04-2007 08:59 PM

I agree, there are way too many TLAs tossed about.

(TLA=three letter acronyms) :D

GasSavers_DaX 02-05-2007 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings (Post 39791)
I agree, there are way too many TLAs tossed about.

(TLA=three letter acronyms) :D

It sounds like a meeting at work. :) The airline industry is polluted with TLA's.

bones33 02-05-2007 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by SIFLIGINIUS (Post 39747)
Hi to All!

I has built an EFIE and into an AFRD.

I want to compare readings of leds, flickerings and functioning at idle and higway.


I use an efie built by eagle research (not me) and a cheapo $30 jc whitney afr display. It's cranked down as lean as possible without excessive driveability problems but still have a little bucking at some very light throttle settings (no idling along in 5th). It usually cycles from one to two sometimes up to five bars from the bottom (lean) on the freeway. This is supposed to indicate something like 17:1 or so but there is no way this cheap afr gauge is anything but an approximation. Normal cycling without efie is right in the middle as it should, cycling up and down on either side of stochiometric a few times a second. This is with my dual plug head ford 2300cc motor. The nissan 2400cc wouldn't run near this lean, but it only had a single plug head.

As always, tune the efie to your particular engine, the instructions are pretty accurate actually. Using an afr with the efie in my opinion is a great idea, you really need some feedback for how the efie is affecting your fuel mixture, seat of the pants tuning leaves too many opportunities for error.

JanGeo 02-05-2007 07:52 AM

Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancer = EFIE - modifies the Oxygen Sensor Signal to the ECU - Engine Control Unit (two are needed if two oxygen sensors are being used)

Air Fuel Ratio Display = AFRD

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