1997 saturn sw2 scangauge problems
I cannot get my scangauge to communicate with my saturn (tried auto mode, then all GM protocols, engine on/off/whatever) :( My cheesey code scanner works fine, and the scangauge works fine in at least two other cars, as tested after the saturn...
Anyone had similiar problems with their saturn? :confused: |
Skewbe: I thought the scangauge only worked in car's after 98. I think their may be some models that worked before that, but I'm pretty sure that 98 was the year that the good government finally forced some consistency, between manufacturers.
If you want to get the mileage figures, real time, or at least pseudo real time, I wonder if you might need to get one of the scanner types Yoshi makes? |
Is it OBDII?
Yup, obdII, 96 or newer american are OBDII.
Apparently diamondlarry had one working on a sw1, And my $15 OBDII code reader works on it, so I dunno what the deal is... |
Have you talked to SG about it? I figure they'd know if they had similar reports and might have a fix ready for you.
Skewbe -
I posted the question on saturnfans : OBD II Protocol support for 1997 SW2? https://www.saturnfans.com/forums/sho...717#post992717 Since I've got a 1999 SW2, I don't know what may be different in the OBD specs. It makes sense that there could be a limitation. CarloSW2 |
thanks guys, "boogered pins" in the connector or a messed up ECU seem to be the likely culprits ;)
The ScanGaugeII in my 2002 SL2 also works in my mom's 1996 SL2. However, spark timing is shown as negative. The numbers are comparable to what it reports in my car, but mine's positive. Her car runs fine, decent FE, no longer lacking power, thanks to new plugs and wires. If timing truely was -20 to -30 I'd think the car would be running rough, low FE, and lacking for power. An anomoly in the 1996 PCM's reporting?
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