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omgwtfbyobbq 01-23-2007 10:18 PM

SoCal Edison sponsored bulbs/night lights
I'm guessing that where ever Edison's service area is, they're having this sale. It's a four pack of 75W equivalent, 18W florescent bulbs or two pack of LED powered night lights with light sensor for a buck each, OTD. No need for rebates, $1.07 final price. The night lights are f'in awesome and come with a lifetime warranty, while the 18W bulbs are I'm guessing just 18W bulbs and come with an 11 year warranty assuming an average of 3 hours of use per day. If anyone needs any I can quote shipping. :thumbup:

Gary Palmer 01-24-2007 08:42 AM

I found a thrift store in Ventura, CA that had a bunch of Edison sponsored replacements for incandescents, via the spiral fluroescents. They were selling them for $0.99 ea, because Edison was picking up the rest of the tab. They were also selling the night lights.

omgwtfbyobbq 01-24-2007 01:48 PM

A dollar for each pack of four, or a dollar for each bulb?

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