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Gary Palmer 01-09-2007 10:23 AM

Experiment In Progress-Sticker
I know that a gassavers.org sticker has been discussed in the past. However, I was wondering about a sticker that we could put across the back window, that said something like Gassavers.org, Fuel Economy Experiment In Progress, Please stay back!. Maybe if we had something to help people understand were running a live experiment, they would get off of the rear a little more?:)

ELF 01-09-2007 11:09 AM

Might not be a bad Idea, I get these people all the time, they catch up to me and sit on my tail. Even though there is another lane with no traffic, they just sit right behind me. Drives me nuts!!

omgwtfbyobbq 01-09-2007 11:11 AM

Here in CA, I'm pretty sure I'd get run down by a semi within a week with that sticker. As it is, everyone probably just thinks I'm nuts. I'm o.k. with that. :D

cfg83 01-09-2007 11:41 AM

Hello -

In LA I would play the sympathy card instead. Something like "Can't drive faster, only have 3 working cylinders". If/when the cop pulls me over, I would tell them the truth and hope for mercy (ha ha ha ha!!!!).


cfg83 01-09-2007 11:43 AM



Originally Posted by ELF
Might not be a bad Idea, I get these people all the time, they catch up to me and sit on my tail. Even though there is another lane with no traffic, they just sit right behind me. Drives me nuts!!

I probably spend almost equal drive time looking in my rear-view mirror planning for the predicted behavior of the drivers behind me.


MetroMPG 01-09-2007 11:55 AM

I just read about a guy who owned a CitiCar electric runabout. He used to get so many people coming up and asking questions about his car that he put one of those industrial looking "POISON" signs (that you might see on a vehicle transporting it) on both sides of his car. Said it cut down on the idle chatter.

Silveredwings 01-09-2007 12:23 PM

That reminds me of the guy who had a simple paint shed out in the woods that kept getting vandalized. He even put a barbed wire fence around it, but that was no help. He finally put up signs with the radioactive symbol saying "Danger Radiation Keep Out." ...hasn't had much trouble since. :D

Gary Palmer 01-09-2007 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
That reminds me of the guy who had a simple paint shed out in the woods that kept getting vandalized. He even put a barbed wire fence around it, but that was no help. He finally put up signs with the radioactive symbol saying "Danger Radiation Keep Out." ...hasn't had much trouble since. :D

Ok! I'm in Ventura, CA and I do unfortunately have to go to L.A. periodically. I am wondering where I can get one of those sign's, for the back of my car. That would be work awesome, I think!

Silveredwings 01-09-2007 12:58 PM

Print one on a color printer and laminate it and put it in the window, or stick it onto a sheet magnet.

I kinda like a combo of "Radioactive Biohazard" myself. Maybe something multilingual. The possibilities are endless. :)



EDIT: make one up:

Gary Palmer 01-09-2007 01:10 PM

I wonder about maybe getting the roll of tape that say's internal biohazard. Maybe I can use that in place of any duct tape, on the car.

Anybody know if it's illegal in any way to put a sign on a car, like this. I think this might be worth a try!

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