Frank's mpfi/obd1 swap list
I would like to compile a list of things I will need to do this, if I do this.
I have a stock 91 civic std (d15b1/dpfi/obd0) I don't know which im/tb/dizzy/ecu etc i need, so if anyone knows I can start looking. :rolleyes: missing anything here? b7 im b7 intake arm b7 tb dx dizzy p06 ecu ecu plugs thanks guys. |
You look good, there might be something I'm forgetting, but nothing too serious, I ought to write it up one of these days. Wish I had my camera with me, boo my foolishness.
You can use any old IM/TB, but to match the ehad best I would use DX stuff. I happen to have an obd1 dx IM laying around, :p |
Ben, do i need a chipped ecu or a dx ecu (p??)?
I'd be interested in buying your im if i cant find an integrated im/tb. is the wiring a pain? what is the easiest way? buying a new harness? :o If I want to modify my current wiring would that be hard or much more time consuming? Thanks! |
p06, wiring is easy, use the old hardness, you need to and it's easy.
Cool. Is it neccesary to go obd0>obd1 in order to do an mpfi swap?
What is "ehad" and is there any benefit of using the dx im as opposed to a cx im? Anything wrong with using the 88-91 b8 im or the 92-95 b7 im? :rolleyes:
maybe mpg diff's b/w the dx and cx? would i then have to use a diff ecu? |
You don't need to go obd1.
The DX IMs will match your intake ports better, and the b7 IM is prettier than the crx/civic si one. |
if the b7 (same as b8?)im lines up, fuel efficiency wise which im should i go with? do you know if i would run into probs with the b7 im not lining up well enough?
b7 is DX, b8 CX. I'd use the b7, because the b8 will have ugly air flow. *shrug*
cool, I am now starting to read on h-t about mpfi swapping! :cool:
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