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repete86 11-21-2006 05:54 PM

Why do you do it?
It seems like there are a few types of people on here. Some people just like engineering devices that are very efficient, some like the economic perks of hypermiling, and some are environmentalists. My question is which are you?

Personally, I'm the green variety. I've been an environmentalist since I was a kid, and naturally when I started driving a few years ago, I focused on fuel efficiency, but only got seriously into it recently with the green scare strengthening my resolve.

The Toecutter 11-21-2006 11:11 PM


It seems like there are a few types of people on here. Some people just like engineering devices that are very efficient, some like the economic perks of hypermiling, and some are environmentalists. My question is which are you?
All three. That, and the performance aspects of efficiency mods also attract me to them. I like to make things more energy efficient AND make them go faster.

Matt Timion 11-22-2006 06:27 AM

I just like to tinker, and I've always been concerned with efficiency.

Oh, I care about the enviroment too :)

MetroMPG 11-22-2006 08:15 AM

"All of the above", plus add to the list: for the challenge.

It can be a kind of game, either against yourself or with others.

nonnef 11-22-2006 08:41 AM

I agree with the challenge idea.

Modern car mods for "go fasters" has turned into a simple spend fest of who can spend more money. I don't feel that's how it should be.
Efficiency is still at the point where people playing with it are doing their own thing. Plus, I've always hated waste. Right down to cleaning my plate of all the food. ;)

Not many people do it. I like being different. =)

GasSavers_Brock 11-22-2006 09:13 AM

I would also say I am all three, but in order I like to be efficient with everything I do, car wise, electricity wise, heck even walking and cleaning. I guess I am an efficiency freak. But the added financial benefit is nice as well. And then of course leaving a small footprint on the world is a good thing. Honestly we looked at the Prius and Jetta wagon TDI's when we were buying. The thing that sold me on the TDI was admittedly the room, and then the ability to burn bio diesel. I think it is so odd they didn't make the Prius able to burn a higher blend of ethanol.

FormulaTwo 11-22-2006 10:14 AM

I agree with Metro and Nonnef.
It is more of a competition, to see if I can better my car.
I feel like it has a lot of potential and I like to set goals and work towards them.
I was into racing, but realized that the people with all the money will always be faster.
More money = more mods = faster

In the "sport?" of fuel effeciency the people with more modifications end up spending less money.
More mods = less gas = less money

The mods are usually cheap which is also good.
Plus there isn't a huge aftermarket for FE, most of the things being done are all by "inventors".
I like that aspect most of this entire thing.

Regardless of why we are all here, we each help each other to our goal whether we like it or not. Through our own design and testing.
I feel like we are all indirectly pushing the envelope.

MetroMPG 11-22-2006 10:40 AM

What would make me happy would be to discover that the car companies were aware of the "FE subculture" the way they are aware of (and marketing to) the tuner crowd.

Imagine being able to tick on the option sheet "extra-tall top gear" or "wheel skirts" or "smart alternator" the way you can now check "CAI", "performance exhaust", "alloy rims"...

I've seen "gm.com" a few times in the activity logs of my web site, and I like to pretend they're actually taking some of this in...

Ted Hart 11-22-2006 12:41 PM

... 'cause gas prices are too high, profits are "obscene", the (hot?) air suffers, and I won't give 'em a dime without a fight! :cool:

GasSavers_TomO 11-22-2006 12:49 PM

I'm in it to save money, and by save money I mean use less gas. I also like to modify my car and tinker with things. the whole "doing it to save money" keeps me from getting some of the cool gadgets like the superMID, but I still enjoy it.

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