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-   -   101 MPG segment for ZX2 at 32 degrees. (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f8/101-mpg-segment-for-zx2-at-32-degrees-3341.html)

CO ZX2 11-17-2006 07:06 PM

101 MPG segment for ZX2 at 32 degrees.
Old Reliable ZX2 did it again today. 11/17/2006

I believe noteworthy by virtue of being done at highway speeds.

101 MPG segment, 33 miles, 50 MPH avg. speed, 74 MPH max. speed.

ScanGauge Readings Below.


Weather not the most desirable today.

The general consensus seems to be that coId weather puts a virtual end to serious testing and FE. I decided to give it a try anyway. I blocked both front and rear of the radiator today. Had bought an engine block heater but didn't get it installed yet. Also added extra blocking at bottom of engine compartment. New 195 thermostat and new battery. This seemed to work well for getting up to temperature in 32 degree weather. I will make this run again on a nicer day.

Car is complete as sold new. Zetec DOHC Engine, 5 Speed transmission, Air conditioning, power steering, power brakes. Stock wheels and tires 185/65R/14.

Nothing missing on car, seats, spare tire, jack, small box of tools I carry, my wife, our cat & her equipment, on the road lunch, all there today.

We have had this car for about 4 years and the best mileage measured during that span was 43 MPG. The cheapo aero mods I have done cost practically nothing but produced a marked improvement in FE. I don't believe I have spent over $200 on the car otherwise including battery, block heater, thermostat, a 4X8 sheet of plastic, spun wheel discs, a couple switches and wire for shut-offs on the ignition and fuel injectors.

One notable exception to my cheapskate ways was to spring for a ScanGauge II. Paid $165 for it. A very important piece of equipment to me. I thought I was a pretty decent economy driver. WRONG!!!

EPA rating for this car 25 city 33 highway.

I got seriously involved in fuel economy in September, 2006. It has been since then that this car has transpired into what it is today. Since September 27, 2006 I have logged over 5000 miles FE testing. Average 53.25 MPG for those miles.

I hope this serves to inspire others who have taken up the fuel economy game.

Thanks for looking in.

CO ZX2 11-17-2006 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher
5000+ miles in about a month?!? :eek:

Good job on the FE improvements!

I've even gotten off my butt and started looking at putting on the wheelwell skirts...

Thanks clencher. Actually 5000 miles in 50 days today. If I don't do things NOW I am prone to put them off forever. I put up a post in Daily FE Updates yesterday of a run I did yesterday. 103MPG. Take a look.

Maybe the inspiration deal is working if it had anything to do with your deciding to get moving. I hope so.

The Toecutter 11-17-2006 08:19 PM

With the fuel economy you're getting, this would probably make you one of the best drivers in the country insofar as hypermiling is concerned. Wish there was a way to see how much of the effect on FE was your mods and how much was driving style. Was the 103 mpg segment mostly downhill?

CO ZX2 11-17-2006 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by The Toecutter
With the fuel economy you're getting, this would probably make you one of the best drivers in the country insofar as hypermiling is concerned. Wish there was a way to see how much of the effect on FE was your mods and how much was driving style. Was the 103 mpg segment mostly downhill?

Hello from Colorado.

We have owned this car for about 4 years. The best mileage previous to cardboard skirts and frontend block was 43 MPG. September 27, 2006 was my first ever 50+ tank, specifically 53.90 MPG. At that time my driving style was essentially the same as when I got 43 MPG.

I have fell under 50 MPG tanks twice since then, attributable to weather.

I have changed my driving style drastically recently, largely from installing ScanGauge II. My first tank using SG2 was 59.87. Check my Gas Log for more.

I have recently made a couple changes in engine controls to complement my current driving. I know these were a help.

As I stated in my post for the 103 MPH segment, terrain is up and down.
Two towns near opposite ends of my run show 1530ft elevation differential.
I live about one third toward the lower elevation which I approximate to equate to 1000ft elevation change for my run. Not so much for 32 miles.

I'm not sure I would have ever believed this sort of gas mileage if my car was dropped from an airplane.

Thanks for your comments on this and my other posts.

The Toecutter 11-17-2006 10:45 PM

I'm amazed by this feat, really. It would be a huge advancement is new cars came with a switch to an 'economy mode' that automatically did P&G coasting, ignition off if downhills are sensed, gear changes(for an automatic tranny), and optimum acceleration for efficiency for the driver, with a manual over-ride that can be accessed by 'flooring' the accelerator for emergencies. Don't want the economy mode? Simply turn it off. It would make hypermiling much more accessible and much easier, even if it may not be as outright effective as doing it all manually.

cfg83 11-18-2006 12:05 AM

CO ZX2 -


Originally Posted by CO ZX2
Hello from Colorado.


As I stated in my post for the 103 MPH segment, terrain is up and down.
Two towns near opposite ends of my run show 1530ft elevation differential.
I live about one third toward the lower elevation which I approximate to equate to 1000ft elevation change for my run. Not so much for 32 miles.


Thanks for your comments on this and my other posts.

Thanks for joining! You're practically a rock star for MPG right out of the gates! For your magic run, do you know the net elevation change for the run? I can't tell from your comment above if the net elevation change was up or down for the run.

Personally, though, I think the cat had something to do with the MPG. My MPG always is better with the car on board.


CO ZX2 11-18-2006 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by theclencher
Then I should KILL with two cats on board!!!

clencher, DO NOT mention that K word around my cat. She is in her 23rd year. We were taking her to her vet for a checkup yesterday.

CO ZX2 11-18-2006 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by cfg83
CO ZX2 -

Thanks for joining! You're practically a rock star for MPG right out of the gates! For your magic run, do you know the net elevation change for the run? I can't tell from your comment above if the net elevation change was up or down for the run.

Personally, though, I think the cat had something to do with the MPG. My MPG always is better with the car on board.



I surely do not want to place myself in the rock star catagory. Try again.

We should not be confusing the 103 MPG run I made on 11/16/06 with the 101 MPG run I made on 11/17/06.

Specifics of the 103 run were posted here:

You are at the post for the 101 run now.

I am not sure that The Toecutter realized that either.

In any case, I was heading for the lowlands on my 103 run. Neither my cat nor my wife witnessed this run. (My MPG always is better with the car on board.)also.

You could borrow your Dad's ZX2 and within a couple hours and a couple cardboard boxes you could be out finding out all this stuff for yourself.

Thanks for the comments.

CO ZX2 11-18-2006 03:01 AM

clencher, I can't believe you rounded up all that info. I didn't know that much info about my wife when we were married. Maybe I still don't.

Seriously, in my opinion, a man with an inquisitive nature and an analytical mind will have a huge advantage in any pursuit if he diligently chooses to put those qualities to work. You appear to be this man.

Do not outfigure yourself or let anyone else do it for you either. I am positive that experts(?) would not have given the ZX2 a snowball's chance in hell to accomplish what she's done. So I'm thankful I didn't ask. Do you agree? We'd all be surprised at how many things in life are this way.

Make your decisions, go to work on them and do the best you can. If I can be of any help in any way, you know where I am.

I saved the info you provided. My wife may want her z back and there's this
Tempo in Auto Trader. . . . . . .

onegammyleg 11-18-2006 03:04 AM

.... and my cat lives on the other side of the world from me. :(

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