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-   -   How do I keep the scangauge on while coasting with engine off??? (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f33/how-do-i-keep-the-scangauge-on-while-coasting-with-engine-off-3252.html)

Compaq888 11-01-2006 06:42 PM

How do I keep the scangauge on while coasting with engine off???
I was thinking of putting it in hybrid mode but when would the scangauge know when to really turn itself off?

MetroMPG 11-01-2006 06:44 PM

If you have tried coasting with the engine off, do you turn the key back to "ON" immediately after the engine stops? Does the SG go off even after doing that?

Compaq888 11-01-2006 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
If you have tried coasting with the engine off, do you turn the key back to "ON" immediately after the engine stops? Does the SG go off even after doing that?

LOL, sorry I don't do the ghetto key thing anymore. I got a kill switch. I kill the engine with the switch, the odometer still keeps working but the scangauge turns off. The only time the scangauge turns on if I bumpstart the engine, otherwise the scangauge is off.

MetroMPG 11-01-2006 07:03 PM

Have you tried using the Hybrid SG setting?

It doesn't leave the unit on indefinately. When you switch the key OFF, the SG goes out after a moment.

Compaq888 11-01-2006 07:10 PM

ok, I'll try it to leave it in hybrid mode. But how does it know to turn off and stay on while coasting with engine off and just plain shutting the car off.

MetroMPG 11-01-2006 07:15 PM

I suppose it can tell the difference between RUN and ACC on your key switch. It stays on when it sees ACC, and only shuts off when it sees OFF.

Your car may also have the OBD2 protocol that puts the SG to sleep when the engine is killed with the key going from RUN to ACC (or through a kill switch wired in the key circuit effectively doing the same thing). If that's the case case, Hybrid mode won't help.

But try Hybrid mode first and see if the SG stays awake when you kill switch the engine.

psyshack 11-01-2006 07:17 PM

Set it to hybrid.

GasSavers_Diemaster 11-01-2006 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Your car may also have the OBD2 protocol that puts the SG to sleep when the engine is killed with the key going from RUN to ACC (or through a kill switch wired in the key circuit effectively doing the same thing). If that's the case case, Hybrid mode won't help.

This is truth. when u shut the ke off even though u are still moving, u remove power to the ecu thus stoping the scaning of the sensors and the data flow (or "datastream" as called in the industry) to the SG. if u try to bypass it the obd2 protacall wont be happy at all and will give u all kinds of headaces. i speak form personal experiance ;) even if the ecu is on but no power to the sensors, you'll get "open" or "out-of-Range" codes.

if u can shift in to neutral, turn the key off then back on once the motor is stoped. u might get results. i tried that on mine and got 8 codes :rolleyes: .

Compaq888 11-01-2006 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Diemaster
This is truth. when u shut the ke off even though u are still moving, u remove power to the ecu thus stoping the scaning of the sensors and the data flow (or "datastream" as called in the industry) to the SG. if u try to bypass it the obd2 protacall wont be happy at all and will give u all kinds of headaces. i speak form personal experiance ;) even if the ecu is on but no power to the sensors, you'll get "open" or "out-of-Range" codes.

if u can shift in to neutral, turn the key off then back on once the motor is stoped. u might get results. i tried that on mine and got 8 codes :rolleyes: .

geez. I'll just keep it the way it is then.

MetroMPG 11-01-2006 11:29 PM

No, no, no. Try it in Hybrid mode and report back. It may work just fine with your kill switch.

If it doesn't work, there are other ways to get around it, and you won't break anything. One thing at a time, though. First see how it goes in Hybrid mode.

Be careful though. You're more likely to run into a tree (or someone else, or stall it in front of a speeding Mack truck) while you're learning how to CODFISH / ICE-OFF coast, than not. If you do, don't blame it on me! ;) (If it's the Mack truck, we'll put "Tried hard to get good FE" on your grave stone.)

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