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GasSavers_Ryland 07-12-2006 05:12 AM

Things to look at when buying a Geo Metro
Originally Posted by Ryland
I'm going to look at a 2000 Geo metro with 80,000 miles, they guy is asking $2000 for it, but I know who he got it from,and a year ago he paid $1,200 for it, any idea what I should check on it? or what it's worth?

Check: transmission - the syncros are the biggest problem on these cars, lower gears (2nd particularly). They're kind of weak, and may wear prematurely, especially if the owner was agressive. Crunchy shifting.

Rust: probably not an issue on a 2000, but the areas that go are: the rockers (underneath, where it meets the floor pan), and most importantly the lower front suspension mount points (where the control arm bolts on).

What its worth - 1200 is a great price for a 2000 if it's in good shape. I paid 1500 CDN for my first one ('98), and it needed $400 in parts to get it certified, so 1900 on the road, with a bit fewer miles (70 K miles).

good luck.


MetroMPG 07-12-2006 05:39 AM

I bet JanGeo will also have some more to add.

One more thing: on the pre-1989 models, the EGR clogging up (plumbing, not the valve itself) is a common complaint and can cause all sorts of problems, leading in the worst case to burnt exhaust valves (since EGR helps to control - ie. lower - combustion temps).

95metro 07-12-2006 06:23 AM

Is it a 4-cyl sedan? I'm trying to remember if the 3-cyl HB was still offered in 2000.

MetroMPG 07-12-2006 06:42 AM

The h-back 3-cyl was still offered in 2000.

GasSavers_Ryland 07-13-2006 06:17 AM

it's a 3 cylender hatch back, I don't think I could bring my self to buying a sedan, so much wasted space, such poor mileage, I don't understand why they still make sedans.

95metro 07-13-2006 06:23 AM

A 2000, 3cyl, HB for cheap? Get it, man! Get it!

MetroMPG 07-13-2006 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by 95metro
A 2000, 3cyl, HB for cheap? Get it, man! Get it!

My observation: US prices for these cars are far less than in Canada. Cultural differences. :) Demand for sub-compacts has been higher here for a long time, and it shows up in the asking prices for small used cars.

FWIW, Ryland, I sold my 1998 Firefly#1 for $3200 CDN last November, uncertified (though it would have passed with no repairs). I put a couple hundred more into it after I got it on the road @1900, but made a few bucks on it (not counting time invested of course).

Maybe we need to set up a business arrangment: a supply chain of used Metros to north of the border...

95metro 07-13-2006 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Maybe we need to set up a business arrangment: a supply chain of used Metros to north of the border...

Perhaps get a few XFis shipped up from the southern states? :D

JanGeo 07-14-2006 06:18 PM

Watch out for:
Rusty Rotors
Emergency brake handle takes too many clicks to lock the rear wheels
Loose shifter - should be really tight
Sticky shifter - will not move forward and backwards easily - bad boot
CV boots ripped noise
Lots of brake dust on the front wheels
Play in the steering
Unusal wear on the tires
Rusty leaking exhost - block the tail pipe with your hand or smooth sole shoe it should stall the engine and build up pressure
Smell the exhost - should not smell oily or smoky
Check for tail pipe soot
Rust around windows lower panels of doors rear bottom of front fenders

MetroMPG 07-15-2006 07:38 AM

Other Metro-specific problems I remembered (thanks to XFi's eBay ad):

- broken door handles (int & ext), mostly on the 89-94 cars
- bent/broken window lift mechanisms

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