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GasSavers_Ryland 07-03-2006 10:21 PM

Less dorky airo modifications
It's not that I mind being a dork, but sometimes I look at some of the modifications that people make, and wonder how many people turn down the offer of a ride, and car pooling is a great way to save gas, so if you can be tastful in your modifications then you come out ahead, right?
I've been wanting to make a grill block, and have been looking at what other people have done, and desided that making one that "matches" the color of the front bumper does not fit my taste, so a while back when I got some black sheats of what apears to be nylon, or something simaler, I knew exactly what I was going to do with them! it took me just over an hour, the plastic was free to me, and took about 2 squar feet including scrap of the 1/4" thick plastic, and it's held on with a combination of black polyurithane roofing calk, two zip ties, and a screw, and it leaves an area about 4" by 4" for air to move thru the radiator, after the calk drys I might paint the remaining grill, and grill block the same color of flat black to make it blend together better, but as it is it's not very noticable. https://www.nbtsc.org/%7Eryland/cars/...ideshow?seq=10 https://www.nbtsc.org/%7Eryland/cars/...ideshow?seq=10

I can't get the photo to work, but there is the link, and I'm interested in hearing about what other tips people have on keeping the dork factor down in their airodinamic modifications.


95metro 07-04-2006 07:02 AM

Nice work, Ryland. I haven't started my aero mods yet, but I'm hoping to soon. I don't want them to look too dorky either, but we'll have to see how the final product(s) turn out.

Matt Timion 07-04-2006 07:37 AM

I think that looks really nice.

Having said that, I don't mind looking like a dork.

MetroMPG 07-04-2006 07:50 AM

I'm also pretty much over the looking like a dork issue. That said, nice work, yes.

zpiloto 07-04-2006 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I'm also pretty much over the looking like a dork issue. That said, nice work, yes.

Agree nice job. I'm over it also. I don't have the skills or moolah. But if I can get another 3% or more FE I'm in:D laughing all the way to the pump.

95metro 07-04-2006 08:00 AM

Maybe we should decide what is considered as "dorky"...:D

The only thing I don't want to put on my Metro is an obscene boat-tail.

GasSavers_katman 07-04-2006 12:06 PM

I think a nice 6 foot wide "Ram Implosion Wing" would look great on your Metro! I think it would only hang over each side about a foot!

95metro 07-04-2006 12:17 PM

lol...What on earth IS that thing??? I had to Google it when you mentioned it. It would certainly make a statement! I'm just not certain it's a statement I'd like to make...:eek:

The Toecutter 07-04-2006 04:05 PM

I highly doubt that ram implosion wing really works as advertised...

thisisntjared 07-05-2006 04:58 PM

that grill block looks very nice. especially since it isnt noticable. i think i will end up doing something similar

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