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Compaq888 06-27-2006 05:04 PM

The Land of Opportunity
I'm broke, I'm carless, I got crappy insurance, and nobody wants to give me a job. Some land of oppurtunity this is. I might as well move back to my old country.

What opportunity is this??? My bills are piling up, I got no job and I got some crappy insurance where if I make an appointment the appointment will be in 2 months. When you go there you have to sit and wait 2 hours for your turn.

It will be another 4 years till I get my degree. I don't know if I can suffer another 4 years like this.

SVOboy 06-27-2006 05:13 PM

I always like to say that the poorest person in the US is better off the most people in the world.

You must know by not that over 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day, you wouldn't notice if you lost a dollar, but to many it is the difference between eating and not, so have some appreciation of that.

Compaq888 06-27-2006 05:31 PM

My citizenship has given me nothing, except the fact that if there was a draft I'd be fighting for america. All I'm good for is just a body for the army.

If I was working for a dollar I'd kill myself. Suffering for $1 a day is not worth it.

What's so good about eating, please enlighten me!! Every time I go to the bathroom I suffer. You have no idea how hard it is to live with irratable bowel syndrome for my entire life. Imagine somebody grabbed your privates and pulling on it for half an hour. That is how I feel everytime I go to the bathroom.

Not only I have to suffer everyday with that but I can't get a job. And whenever I get a job my superiors complain. "We didn't hire you so you could sit in the bathroom for half and hour every morning", "We don't care that you are sick, don't come to work without a doctor's note"

Even if I get hired I have to put up with that bull**** everyday at work. Corporations don't care about this stuff, they will get somebody healthier, stronger, smarter, good looking for the same exact pay.

SVOboy 06-27-2006 05:38 PM

So, you think that %20 of the world might as well not be living for how bad their lives must be? That's pretty condescending, but you know, those people could have any sort of basic disease, condition, common cold, even and drop dead because there's not even a hospital to go to to spend 100$ bucks at and get some penicillin.

Anyway, you're lucky, I'm lucky, every damn person on this site is extremely lucky, let's not insult others pretending our good fortune is not enough for our high standards.

Compaq888 06-27-2006 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy
So, you think that %20 of the world might as well not be living for how bad their lives must be? That's pretty condescending, but you know, those people could have any sort of basic disease, condition, common cold, even and drop dead because there's not even a hospital to go to to spend 100$ bucks at and get some penicillin.

Anyway, you're lucky, I'm lucky, every damn person on this site is extremely lucky, let's not insult others pretending our good fortune is not enough for our high standards.

Yes, they mght as well not be living, and another thing is if you can't afford to have kids then don't have kids, other people suffer because of that too. I'm not lucky and I have never been lucky. Even if i do get my degree in 4 years there isn't 100% I will get hired. If nobody is hiring and I have working experience, why would they hire me when there is so many other candidates. It's hopeless. Giving somebody a job will solve most of their problems. How simple the solution is.

SVOboy 06-27-2006 05:48 PM

Anyone with a degree is lucky, anyone with the ability to get a degree is lucky. Just stop worrying so damn much and work on getting a job. Plenty of people in this country have jobs and it's not always because they're pretty.

Mighty Mira 06-27-2006 05:55 PM

I think the mines are hiring. If you are willing to travel, there is money to be made there.

Compaq888 06-27-2006 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mighty Mira
I think the mines are hiring. If you are willing to travel, there is money to be made there.

mining is a labor job. Due to my health I would bend over and die.

Matt Timion 06-27-2006 06:10 PM

Wow... you just sold your car and you have no money. Amazing.

You are waiting for someone to "give" you a job. I've never been "given" a job before.

This may sound blunt, but you blame everyone but yourself. As soon as you stop doing that and begin taking ownership for your downfalls you'll begin to be able to fix them.

I lived in a third world country for a number of years and I saw families of 4 living off of less then $3/day. They were grateful. One family had a son dieing of leukemia and they didn't complain as much as you do.

The land of opportunity means that you can achieve great things with hard work. As long as you expect people to give it to you, or that you deserve certain things you'll continue to get nothing.

Compaq888 06-27-2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Matt Timion
Wow... you just sold your car and you have no money. Amazing.

You are waiting for someone to "give" you a job. I've never been "given" a job before.

This may sound blunt, but you blame everyone but yourself. As soon as you stop doing that and begin taking ownership for your downfalls you'll begin to be able to fix them.

I lived in a third world country for a number of years and I saw families of 4 living off of less then $3/day. They were grateful. One family had a son dieing of leukemia and they didn't complain as much as you do.

The land of opportunity means that you can achieve great things with hard work. As long as you expect people to give it to you, or that you deserve certain things you'll continue to get nothing.

The car money pays my debt and bills.
I'm not just compliaining, i look for a job all the time. I go to interviews all the time. It would be wrong to complain if I set home and did nothing.

I don't expect stuff to be given to me, If I want something I get it. What's holding me back from getting the job is the places that I applied to.

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