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LDB 07-04-2022 07:59 AM

You and your 74 closest friends
can have the UK limited edition i30 N.


JockoT 07-04-2022 10:13 AM

Even if I had 74 friends I wouldn't thank you for it.

Draigflag 07-04-2022 01:35 PM

Pretty good value for a new car these days, considering I saw a second hand Golf R listed at almost £50,000 recently. Or the remade Subaru Impreza by prodrive for £550,000, which has already sold out...

Too much money in this world in the hands of people that don't need it

LDB 07-05-2022 01:19 PM

I don't think I'd pick one but I definitely wouldn't turn it down if offered. White please. Or maybe wrapped in Subaru World Rally Blue.

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