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zpiloto 05-26-2006 05:38 AM

Addition to Gas Log
Something I want to throw out there. Since were all trying to save energy maybe have a place for the person who drive the least amount of miles a month or add a mileage trend on the gaslog with the MPG. That way we can what the FE go up and the mileage go down. Thoughts.

MetroMPG 05-26-2006 05:58 AM

Ooo! Good idea. Matt and I can duke it out for who drives the least. (Though Silveredwings probably drives his nice Healy less than our "daily drivers".)

Another neat halo stat might be: "Gassavers members have saved N gallons of fuel ... and counting". Base it on a formula using % over EPA and people's fuel stats, and add it all up. It's probably an impressive number.

Matt, don't you just love feature creep!

kickflipjr 05-26-2006 08:07 AM

I have gone over 3 weeks with one tank of gas (that is my record).

GasSavers_DaX 05-26-2006 09:18 AM

I would lose. My record for driving is 44,000 miles in one year. Now I drive about 35,000 miles per year. Hopefully this will drop to about 30,000 miles per year when I move into my new house.

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