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LDB 04-15-2021 08:47 AM

Return with us now
to those thrilling days of yesteryear. 1991. When there were three amazing American performance sedans to choose from.


Draigflag 04-15-2021 12:10 PM

1991.....I turned 4 that year, kinda embarrassing seeing what classes as a "performance car" back then, glad I was too young to remember it.

LDB 04-15-2021 01:15 PM

I turned 34 that year and remember those cars. Never had one but read about them and saw them around.

JockoT 04-15-2021 10:09 PM

US and Performance have always been treated as a bit of an oxymoron here in the UK and Europe. Granted, some can go like $h*t off a shovel, but handling has always been respected above grunt over this side of the pond. That is due to our road system here.
In a movie or TV show, I always laugh when I see a Ferrari or an Aston Martin being chased by a Crown Vic down Highway One and not getting away!

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