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manxmike 10-11-2020 11:37 PM

Fuelly seems to have taken into its algorithm that anything I enter as a fuel up is incorrect and Fuelly changes it. Price per UK gallon, amount of fuel entered etc. Is this normal, surely it makes tracking mileage impossible.

JockoT 10-12-2020 01:29 AM

I just entered my mpg this morning and everything went fine.
I input mileage - Litres - and total cost. Oh, and the time. Works great for me.
Returns answer in UK mpg.
If you try putting in Litre - Price per Litre - Total cost then you get into rounding errors.

EddWick 10-15-2020 05:58 AM


"If you try putting in Litre - Price per Litre - Total cost then you get into rounding errors."
So that's why I've been getting errors as well. Everything seems clearer now.

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