ember1205 |
07-17-2020 06:52 AM |
Originally Posted by LDB
(Post 201343)
I won't say it well I'm sure but it's probably a case of the limitation of resources available to create and maintain the site vs. the content and benefit of the site. They focus on what is equally beneficial to the owner and the overall public. It would take too much away from the site overall to create another whole system that is only visible to and beneficial to the owner. They want to make it as universally beneficial as possible.
I agree that they have to ensure that the site owner is getting benefit or they can't continue to operate. And, without users, there's no need for the site. So, they have to be accommodated as well.
The problem is this: They are already allowing us to enter this data into the system. So, it isn't a case of whether or not it would have implications on storage (if they were ADDING the ability to collect and store this info, it would increase storage requirements because there would be so much additional data, but that isn't the case.
Additionally, each "note" has the ability to show whether it is to be private or not. Some simple coding of the pages of the site would be able to add a second calculation area using ALL data (not just public data, or MPG data, like is already there).
Honestly - this isn't much work to the code of the site and very straight-forward using data fields that are already present.
The ONE impact it would have for the site owner is that it would increase the load on the database server(s) because more data would be retrieved when the individual vehicle owner opened the vehicle's page, and there would also be a slight uptick in load on the web server as well for the same reason. But, this is likely negligible load since so many folks do NOT access the individual page of their vehicle to view its stats (from a computer) anywhere NEAR the amount of times that they access the more limited pages to enter fill-up data.