Nissan CVT Experiences/Opinions
I bought a 2016 Nissan Versa with 10546 miles and a rebuilt title in Feb. 2019. I hadn't kept up with the newer cars much in the past several years because I hadn't planned to buy one until this one came along at the great price of $5300. The Versa has a CVT and I didn't do my homework prior to buying it. I was just wondering what everyone's previous/current experiences have been with Nissan CVT's. My plans are to do a fluid drain/fill approximately every 30K miles, what's your view on this? Often enough? Not often enough?
I love the gas mileage I'm getting with mine but, my biggest concern is longevity. My driving habits consist of trying to time traffic lights, coasting as much as possible when coming up to stops, and keeping a few hundred foot buffer between me and the car in front of me so if they brake I can often let off the gas and coast without ever having to touch the brakes. Living in rural KY where lots of the roads aren't the greatest most of my driving consists of speeds in 40-55 MPH ranged. My overall MPG average since purchase of the Versa is 47.231 with just over 11,023.6 miles tracked. My worst tank to date is the first tank I ran through it in cold/wet winter weather in Feb./Mar. 2019 at 42.345 MPG and my best tank to date was 51.167 MPG in May 2019 when it was warm but not hot enough for a/c usage. Actually I don't use a/c as much as most people. Last summer my usage was probably somewhere between 25-50%. |
I am on a Jazz/Fit site and one of the participants saw 256,000 miles on a CVT transmission, Different marque but I don't think there is any reason to fear a CVT.
CVT is not so good on a wet road , do you have another experience ?
Nissans were a staple of our fleet when I worked rental cars circa 2011. I thought they were great in the cars, where they could rock out some fantastic fuel economy, but heavier vehicles like the Quest and Murano absolutely sucked. More weight and power left the CVT feeling indecisive and entirely unqualified for its duty. Nissan had trouble with the Jatco CVTs back then, but I think that was mostly licked by 2014ish. I would stick to factory service intervals unless you do a lot of severe driving - short trips, dusty roads, hauling a lot of weight regularly, or if you live in the mountains.
My son has a 2014 Nissan Sentra with the CVT. I think it now has between 60-70K miles and to my knowledge it is still problem free. As for the gas mileage, most of my driving is on rural roads here in KY in the 40-55 MPH range. My lifetime average since purchase in Feb. 2019 with 11820.3 miles tracked is 47.551 MPG. My best tank to date is 52.535 MPG. |
Try to visit nissanversaforums and you will see that the 2013 models and up are more prone to CVT problems.
My fuel mileage numbers are still looking great. With 13932.9 miles tracked my overall average is 48.401 and my last tank was my best to date at 55.656 mpg (hand calculated). I've noticed since the cooler fall temperatures have begun that the Ultra Gauge is showing slightly lower numbers. This will probably be the last tank of summer blend until next spring since they can start selling winter blend as early as 9/15. I made it a point to fill the tank early last time on 9/12 to be sure I got at least one more tank of summer blend. |
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