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luxcruiser 12-02-2019 05:23 PM

2019 k900
New to the site, just wanted to add some info. I have a relatively new Kia 2019 K900 with the twin turbo V6 and took a trip from Atlanta to the midwest. If I use the adaptive cruise control set at 65 mph, I manage 29.9 mpg on the flat highways of Indiana and Illinois. Better than the 25 estimated by the EPA. Cruising at 70 drops it to 27.5, my wife averages 24.5 but does not use cruise and runs between 65 and 85, (often in the same 30 seconds.) Since the Kia Stinger and Hyundai G80 use the same engine, does anyone out there have any comparisons?

EddWick 11-16-2020 07:49 AM

Comparisons? Hmm, I wouldn't happen to have any opinion on that. Feel free to open up a new thread for feedback.

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