Any advice for the college bound?
So yeah, that's me. I'll no longer be the lonely high schooler on the site, :p
I'm pretty conflicted, I'm sure it'll be fun and whatnot, but leaving all my buds is gonna be hard, just wondering if anyone has some nuggets of wisdom from their youth. Thankee, Benny J. |
Re: Any advice for the college bound?
I did stay in touch with a lot of them, much to my surprise. When college started I began making new friends. Usually you'll have the same classes with a few people because you're in the same major. I had something like 3 classes with one guy one semester, and 4 the next. It was crazy. You start meeting the people in your core classes rather quickly, and since you have the same major you already have something in common. You'll find that friends come and go. It's unfortunate, but it's just how it is. We grow and out friends grow. It's rarely in teh same direction. As for college, I wish I could redo it and actually study a little more. I think you'll do fine with your grades though, as you seem to be a good student already. I worked 40+hrs a week all throughout college. I'd recommend not doing this. Take advantage of socializing with other students. Attend gathersings, hang out with people. Spend time figuring out who you are and what it is you want out of life. Don't take anything too seriously and just enjoy yourself. College is a great opportunity to grow. College is NOT one more thing to suffer through on the path to the "real world." The best advice I can offer is to enjoy college, because it's over before you know it. |
Re: Any advice for the college bound?
kinda uneventfull 4 years. no proms, or sports. just the computer geek :P on my senor birthday i parked perpeindicular to the parking spots so i took up 4 spots :P dont stop with highschool! i've been going to collage for 3 years and am almost ready to get my smog licance. so i can smog other cars and cheat err.... help my car to pass :P |
College is just the start
After just getting out of college I can safely say it'll be the best time of your life. You might even learn something along the way, aside from how to make a meal out of EZmac and Ramen noodles. I think most people actually make a good majority of their friends in college. High school will always have its place though.
My advice is to take full advantage of any of the social opportunities that become available, and don't get too wrapped up in your classes. I'm not saying go out and drink every night, but don't be a hermit either. |
For me....
I'm sure College looks like this looming, uncertain part of your future, but for any personality, it can only expand and grow a variety of factors in your life. I had to move to a new high school 800 miles away my Senior year, so of course I hated that place and couldn't wait to leave, but I did make some friends. But at both schools, I was more like Diemaster -- I had like 2 close friends while I focused on being the local dorky guy and on my education.
Long story short, people that matter to you will always be in your life. With technology today, the IM can keep you in touch. In fact, I moved back to Kansas from Ohio and started a computer business with my best friend from high school (advice: don't start a business with a friend). Once in a while I communicate with College friends too. It's hard at first when you move in, making friends and finding your niche, but then your first exam comes along and you shift focus. Then all of the sudden, you have a degree and you either go further or get booted into the real world. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but it will become easier. |
Don't work and take 3-4
Don't work and take 3-4 classes a semester.
I used to take a lot of classes and I couldn't handle them. Especially with work. Stay at home or in the dorm and take 3-4 classes and go party on Friday or Saturday. I'm 3 years in and I got 3-4 left. Yes I'm slow. |
Quote:You'll find that
I don't plan on suffering, school I like, I plan to be there forever in one sense or another, :p |
Out of 70 people I know
Out of 70 people I know everyone, and I really only really love 3 or 4, but I will talk to a good 20 on any given day (I haven't had classes for a while, :p), which is really nice. I love my class.
Quote:I'm not saying it'll
Re: Out of 70 people I know
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