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luv2spd 10-06-2017 09:54 AM

0-400km/h-0 Koenigsegg vs Bugatti
1 Attachment(s)
Bugatti made a special edition Chiron to mark the awesome accomplishment of going 0- 400km/h - 0 in 42 seconds, a new World record! Three weeks later, Koenigsegg beat that time just because, see video:


ChewChewTrain 10-14-2017 11:21 AM

Fun! But, I was never a fan of straight line acceleration, as that type of performance is moot with every day driving.

I'm more interested in handling, which can be appreciated at ANY speed when turning a street corner or quickly following a delicious freeway cloverleaf ramp.

And, that seems to be the chief difference between American and European cars. American cars were focused on "muscle" and straight line acceleration, whereas European cars were more about navigating twisty roads with finesse.

Anyone else feel the same?

JockoT 10-14-2017 11:54 AM

Without a doubt. Though after more than 100 years, the US seem to finally be getting a grip on handling.

ChewChewTrain 10-14-2017 12:59 PM

"...grip on handling"? Nice pun, JockoT!

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