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ChewChewTrain 06-16-2017 05:57 AM

How I Helped Swing the US Presidential Election
Unless you live in Florida, each of us gets one vote. How can one measly vote help my candidate?

Then I thought, what would UK/Paul do?

So, after plastering my 27 year old, Civic with VOTE FOR HILLARY and SHE'S WITH ME signs, I drove around town like a drunken fool, honking at other cars, wiping the side of my car clean on pedestrian rumps, and shouting profanities at everyone that they had better vote for Hillary! Felt good.

And, that is how ChewChewTrain singlehandedly influeneced the US Presidential election.

LDB 06-16-2017 06:36 AM

Good job! You and all the dead Chicagoans. :)

Draigflag 06-16-2017 08:24 AM

I heard that Trump is holding a conference in Africa with a few of the 21,000 daily victims of starvation to tell them the Chinese hoaxed global warming all along. Pretty elaborate hoax when it involves thousands of people dying every day, but could have fooled me!

Jay2TheRescue 06-17-2017 07:01 AM

Many of the people starving in Africa are not starving due to global warming, climate change, etc. They are starving because their gov't is withholding food. It was a big deal in the 80's when all sorts of money was raised (Remember USA for Africa?) That food was sent, and the majority of it rotted on the docks as it was not allowed past customs.

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