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ChewChewTrain 05-29-2017 11:17 AM

How to Get More and Save the Planet
At my favorite Asian bubble tea place...

When they make my avocado milkshake, they make too much to ensure enough to fill the plastic cup. The excess is immediately wasted as they rinse the blender.

After observing this phenomena over and over, I decided to provide them with my OWN larger glass. I told them I don't like wasting so many plastic cups.

Their plastic cup holds 16 oz.

They filled MY larger cup with about 19 oz of drink. That's a 18.75% gain. In other words, I have created my own "buy 5 get the 6th free" discount. At the same time, there's one less plastic cup in our landfill.

I noticed the same wastefulness at McDonalds when they make my blended iced mocha. McDonalds seems to waste even MORE so your gain will be even greater.


SteveMak 05-29-2017 04:49 PM

Ah, first-world "problems" again, and how switching to a larger smoothie cup will help save the planet. Here are some fun facts that shed a different light on the subject:
  • In the US, about 40% of the food grown ends up in the garbage dump. Some, because it does not meet cosmetic standards for market.
  • The USA constitutes 5% of the world's population but consumes about 24% of the world's energy. (Canada is close behind the US).
After reading the opening post, the phrase "penny wise and pound foolish" comes to mind. Mind you, you're reading this post from a guy who lives alone, already has a vehicle that meets all his needs outstandingly, and still wants a Porsche 911 as a "fun car."

ChewChewTrain 05-29-2017 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by SteveMak (Post 194765)
Ah, first-world "problems" again, and how switching to a larger smoothie cup will help save the planet. Here are some fun facts that shed a different light on the subject:
  • In the US, about 40% of the food grown ends up in the garbage dump. Some, because it does not meet cosmetic standards for market.
  • The USA constitutes 5% of the world's population but consumes about 24% of the world's energy. (Canada is close behind the US).
After reading the opening post, the phrase "penny wise and pound foolish" comes to mind. Mind you, you're reading this post from a guy who lives alone, already has a vehicle that meets all his needs outstandingly, and still wants a Porsche 911 as a "fun car."

Better get that 911 soon, Steve. I predict when self-driving cars are finally allowed on the streets, 20-25 years later it will be illegal (for safety reasons) to humanly control your own car on freeways.

Add to your stats....71% of the world's population lives on LESS than $10 daily.
71% of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day - Jul. 8, 2015

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