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ChewChewTrain 05-20-2017 08:27 AM

Best way to dispose our garbage.
...dump it out from airplanes over our war time enemies.

Imagine talking to your friend one minute ago and suddenly you're talking to a 1950s refrigerator.

rfruth 05-21-2017 11:23 AM

lol (reduce reuse recycle works too)

14Corolla 05-21-2017 11:49 AM

You sure make our Landfill happy. In their own words: "If it so much as looks like a refrigerator. We're not taking it."

ChewChewTrain 05-21-2017 03:01 PM

It's a war time version of putting unwanted sofas, tables, and 'fridges on the sidewalk.

Not only will the enemy fear a shadowy spot on the ground growing larger and larger, but they'll wonder, "Who the hell is gonna clean up this mess when this war is over?!"

Plus, I'm sure fraternities would be happy to push the junk out of the back of a C5 Starlifter if we provide free beer.

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