Off-topic chat thread
This is a place to talk about stuff on your mind that doesn't fit in any other threads or doesn't necessitate their own thread.
So anyways the gym I go to was like five min away and closed down and recently I went to another branch of that gym that's about 18 min away with a bit more continuous driving with less stops. That drive to the old gym and also the school I went to close by but recently graduated from were largely responsible for low mpg figures. I averaged mid 17 mpg all this time. Very short drives. Now I'm at 21.xx a quarter tank in with a bunch of idling included, higher than usual. I take it out on the highway once in a while. Still live in an urban area though, but looking forward to some higher numbers for once. This longer drive to the gym, I'll see if it's sustainable. If not, might switch to a closer gym and ride my road bike. |
Now, are you going to the gym to lose weight or be healthy? |
I get my best MPG by going to the donut shop. Not healthy but we have to be willing to make sacrifices for our MPG. :)
It's a popular misconception that exercise leads to weight loss. The ONLY $$$ paying for university dietary research is Big Food. If you don't perpetuate that exercise is the key for weight loss rather than avoiding sugar and carbs, you will NOT get any research $$$. These facts are well documented in Nina Tiecholz's book, "The Big Fat Surprise". If you read it or listen to the audiobook, you will NEVER trust what the USA government says. The evidence revealed in the book is THAT damning. If anyone's listening in on this chat, check this out: |
On another note, an Elantra WAGON was hot on my tail yesterday as I was taking an offramp curve at my usual higher-than-normal speed :lol: |
Good video. Confirms how Big Food and Big Pharma, btw, control the university research purse strings and call the shots on the results. The research is SO corrupt researchers have been known to allow Big Food to edit the scientific results BEFORE it's published. You touched my driving weak spot. I, too, like putting extra zip into highway clover leafs, too! :) |
Cuts_Off, if you're seeking good health, have you seen the medical research behind VIIT (Variable Intensity Interval Training)? VIIT morphed from HIIT (High Intensity Inveral Training), because HIIT was prone to exercise injuries.
Improve Your Fitness With Variable-Intensity Interval Training As far as weight gain and muscle mass, that's completely off my radar. You're on your own. But let us know what you learn on the subject. |
I'm about 175 lbs @ 6'2". My all-time high was 215 lbs. I had a bulging gut, double chin, a number of health issues, etc.
Virtually everything we've been taught since the 1970s in North America with respect to health, obesity, and diet, is wrong. The whole USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Food Pyramid, the calorie-counting, eat less / exercise more, low-fat, low-cholesterol... it's all wrong. Even its creator, Ancel Keys ("Keys" as in the "K" in "K-Rations"), wrote in his memoirs that his "bad fat" hypothesis was completely wrong, as was the Food Pyramid and the high-glycemic (high-carbohydrate) diet it advocates. "The Creator" admits he messed up, BAD, and yet the beliefs live on. When I speak about this, most people disbelieve. Their thought system is thoroughly locked into what they've been taught, and that's The Food Pyramid (for the most part), calories (total fiction), etc. Being fat (excess body fat) is not the problem. It's a symptom of the problem, as are a host of other ailments that the media reports are "related" to being over-fat, such as diabetes, alzheimer's (and other forms of dementia), heart disease and stroke, acid reflux, various cancers, Metabolic Syndrome, Syndrome X, Syndrome Y, etc. All symptoms of the root case: bad diet. More specifically, the culprit is the "North American" diet, which has a dangerously high glycemic impact, is full of cellular inflammatories, and it devastates the microbiome... the three factors that are essential to good health. FWIW:
-Steve |
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