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SVOboy 04-09-2006 01:41 PM

Any ideas on how to fix up this seat?

I don't mind if it's half assed. I'm thinking black gaffer's tape right now.

GasSavers_Diemaster 04-09-2006 08:43 PM

LOL i love the custom
LOL i love the custom speaker mounts :P Zipties rule! :D

looks like some foam is gone. gona have to fill in the hole and then get it re-upolstered. thats the properway to do it. me..... well seeing as i'm saving for a D16Z6 i'd just put a seat cover over it or... cheaper yet a beach towle :P

SVOboy 04-09-2006 08:47 PM

Haha, I just took my seat
Haha, I just took my seat covers off is why there's an issue. I hate that ****. I figure I'll hit it with black gaffers tape. Worth that will happen is the seat cover goes back on and all else is equal.

How much would a shop charge to do it?

Matt Timion 04-09-2006 09:43 PM

Re: Haha, I just took my seat

Originally Posted by SVOboy
Haha, I just took my seat covers off is why there's an issue. I hate that ****. I figure I'll hit it with black gaffers tape. Worth that will happen is the seat cover goes back on and all else is equal.

How much would a shop charge to do it?

A shop will cost a lot more than a new seat from the junkyard.

Compaq888 04-09-2006 09:46 PM

^^^ exactly

philmcneal 04-09-2006 09:51 PM

if that was my seats, i get
if that was my seats, i get matching color tape.

rh77 04-09-2006 10:14 PM

I remember that my Step-Dad ripped his beloved BarcoLounger leather recliner during a move. This was the late 80's, but they made this stuff that's basically a piece of leather of vinyl (that comes in various colors that's not even close to your particular application). Anyways, it comes with a super-glue-like adhesive to schtick to the tear and it hardens and seals the deal. It keeps the rip from spreading and you've repaired it yourself. Win-Win sitcheation.

Well, since that was the late 80's, maybe the technology has improved. I'd end up going to a hobby supply store -- I know... pass all of the fake flowers and scrapbook crap and head for the furniture repair section. That's my idea...


Sludgy 04-10-2006 05:17 AM

Ripped seats...... ah yes,
Ripped seats...... ah yes, thanks for the memories.

I have a wonderful hunting dog, a hyper German Shorthaired Pointer. He chewed the seats in my brand new Toyota Matrix. I took it to the dealer, who informed me that a new seat would cost like $2000! I bought a $150 slip cover instead.

I still have the dog. When he eats the wrong food, he gives me free gas!

GasSavers_DaX 04-10-2006 01:03 PM

I bought a set of seats for
I bought a set of seats for my 88 Civic from some guy on H-T for $25. They didn't fit at all, but I did strip the upholstery off (PITA) and reupholster my frames. The finished product is actually very nice.

molecule 04-10-2006 01:14 PM

put a cool patch over it
put a cool patch over it


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