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ChewChewTrain 01-25-2017 05:28 PM

About self-driving cars...
1.2 Billion people earn their living by driving a vehicle.


cuts_off_prius 01-26-2017 05:54 PM

They're in such a rush to implement it.

I think it's cool to see how much gas will be saved with these autonomous cars, seeing as people tend to drive in a manner that is not conducive to efficient fuel usage (i.e. late braking for a red light, etc.). But then again, from videos I've seen, they seem to accelerate very slowly and brake too much for turns, which is also not efficient.

ChewChewTrain 01-26-2017 06:33 PM

Being able to slow down so the car can approach a red light as it turns green should save a bunch of gas. Heck. Just driving the speed limit alone will save fuel. Both techniques will drive the majority of today's drivers nuts.

Draigflag 01-26-2017 11:09 PM

All the autonomous cars will be electric anyway, so as for saving gas, well.

I just read they standardised wireless EV charging points now too, coming later this year, so EV's will be able to just drive over a pad in the road to self charge, not needing a human to plug them in at all.

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