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ChewChewTrain 07-29-2016 11:22 AM

Formula one f1 0-60 times
Formula One race cars have been recorded to reach 0-60 as fast as 1.6 seconds, however the typical range for modern day F1 cars is between 2.1 to 2.7 seconds.

Taken from: https://www.zeroto60times.com/formula-one-f1-0-60-times/

Tesla Model S does it in 2.8 seconds.

Draigflag 07-29-2016 11:38 AM

Rally Cross cars are just as quick, quicker in some cases. Peugeot's Rally car does 0-60 in 1.7 seconds.

rfruth 07-30-2016 09:29 AM

0 - 60 time isn't real important to me as long as I can get/merge onto the highway with the A/C on I'm happy ;)

benlovesgoddess 07-30-2016 01:11 PM

Yeah, i do like the look of the Tesla model S. However, i bet all that extra acceleration in the hands of people used to a 10 second 0-60 time may encourage an accident or two....

trollbait 08-01-2016 07:11 AM

Nah, they are on auto-pilot.

ChewChewTrain 08-01-2016 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by benlovesgoddess (Post 190137)
Yeah, i do like the look of the Tesla model S. However, i bet all that extra acceleration in the hands of people used to a 10 second 0-60 time may encourage an accident or two....

Kinda along those lines...

Going up a grade in the Santa Cruz mountains, for those of you local to me, I was about to go around a slower vehicle. Before moving into the adjoin lane, in my side view mirror I saw that a Tesla S had just moved over. Knowing the Tesla's acceleration speed, I didn't dare move over for fear that the Tesla would run into the back of me.

BlueRover 08-13-2016 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by benlovesgoddess (Post 190137)
Yeah, i do like the look of the Tesla model S. However, i bet all that extra acceleration in the hands of people used to a 10 second 0-60 time may encourage an accident or two....

Do they still produce cars that take 10 seconds to go to 60 mph LOL

Lots of Teslas around my home and have yet to see one with a crumbled fender (wing)

benlovesgoddess 08-13-2016 05:01 PM

Ha! All my cars have been over 10 seconds to 60 - the Prius at 9.6-10.5 (stats vary, i haven't tested it) is actually the fastest i've owned, and on a par with the wifes CR-V. I don't know what the average is, but i would guess most cars are over rather than under...even in 2016!

Draigflag 08-14-2016 05:48 AM

0-60 times are pretty irrelevant to most people, nobody floors the throttle 100% of the time anyway, I would guess most people just gently get up to 60 in 15-20 seconds. It's about as important as top speeds, even on a track or Autobahn you'd struggle to safely travel at the Top speed of a small car, never mind a super car.

R.I.D.E. 08-14-2016 01:28 PM

Come over to the US Draigflag, where soccer moms floor it in their minivans all the time, LOL.

In my Mirage, I just shut off the compressor (specific switch) when I need more power. Yesterday I turned the AC on coming home from the beach, when the ambient temps hit 97 degrees.

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