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Compaq888 03-03-2006 05:07 PM

E-manage, any body got some info?
WHat can you guys tell me about the e-manage?? Does it work in closed loop or only open loop??

If it's open loop then forget it.

I want to tune my car with the e-manage for closed loop driving so I can get another 2+ mpg. If it's tuned right then I will have more power and press the gas less. It will go in a completly stock car. I know it will fit my car because I see there are some guys running it in the same car I have. I want to get the e-manage with pressure harness, ignition and injector harnesses.

The safc2 is not for me because the gas pedal has to be pressed 40% in order to make it work.

Some of you say it's stupid but think about it. For $600-700 I can get another 2mpg and 20whp whenever I want to use it. I'm already at 22-23mpg for the street and 33-34 for the freeway. After I tweak my belly pan it will go up slightly.

SVOboy 03-03-2006 05:11 PM

Well, does the e-manage come
Well, does the e-manage come with the wideband also?

And you won't be able to use the 20 whp at the same time as the 2 mpg, the gas mileage comes from leaning out the lower portions, but you need to knock the WOT afrs down to like 13-13.2 according to most honda tuners to not damage the engine, so that'll still suck for gas mileage.

Compaq888 03-03-2006 05:43 PM

no it doesn't. I don't need
no it doesn't. I don't need a wideband because I'm NA and I'll get it tuned once and that's it.

Here is what I want to do. From 1000-2500rpm I want the A/F really flat so I'll get better gas mileage. I also want more power up top when I do floor it. My car runs really rich from 3k all the way up to redline. I also want to make the A/F up there flat too but for power not economy. So basically what I want is 1000-2500 fuel economy, and 3000-redline power.

The safc2 is no good because the gas needs to be pressed 40% in order to make it work.

SVOboy 03-03-2006 05:52 PM

So you're going to pay to
So you're going to pay to have it tuned then?

Compaq888 03-03-2006 06:03 PM

Of course. it will be tuned
Of course. it will be tuned with a dyno. It's $359 for e-manage and all harnesses to have complete control of my ignition and injectors.

Bunger 03-03-2006 06:08 PM

Re: no it doesn't. I don't need

Originally Posted by Compaq888
The safc2 is no good because the gas needs to be pressed 40% in order to make it work.

How do you have it setup? Last time I remember programming a VAFC (similar), you didn't have to have the throttle to 40% before it would make changes. All it does is modify the MAP (or MAF) sensor output the ECU sees.

Compaq888 03-03-2006 06:25 PM

Re: no it doesn't. I don't need

Originally Posted by Bunger

Originally Posted by Compaq888
The safc2 is no good because the gas needs to be pressed 40% in order to make it work.

How do you have it setup? Last time I remember programming a VAFC (similar), you didn't have to have the throttle to 40% before it would make changes. All it does is modify the MAP (or MAF) sensor output the ECU sees.

I was told by a couple of people that the TPS or something like that has to be at 40% for the safc2 to start making changes. If they greddy can control everything in closed loop which is any percentage unless I go WOT since WOT is open loop. I really need something for the low end. I know if it's tuned I can get better gas mileage.

Bunger 03-03-2006 06:53 PM

I just read through the
I just read through the manual again, just to make sure:


You can set the high and low throttle possitions from 1% to 99% (98% on the low setting). This just gives you more adjustment than without throttle being an input at all. So what those other people told you is incorrect.

The manual is 64 pages long, but a good read if you're looking for something to adjust fuel with. It's pretty amazing what Apex-i is making these days.

Compaq888 03-03-2006 07:04 PM

Re: I just read through the

Originally Posted by Bunger
I just read through the manual again, just to make sure:


You can set the high and low throttle possitions from 1% to 99% (98% on the low setting). This just gives you more adjustment than without throttle being an input at all. So what those other people told you is incorrect.

The manual is 64 pages long, but a good read if you're looking for something to adjust fuel with. It's pretty amazing what Apex-i is making these days.

so let me get this straight.. It will work in closed loop at any throttle settings???

Bunger 03-03-2006 07:15 PM

Yep, any throttle setting.
Yep, any throttle setting.

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