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BuddyRich 08-29-2014 02:36 PM

MPG not working.
Just started using fuelly with my new truck.

Truck came new with 56km on Odom and a full tank. I filled up and put my info in, but it didn't calculate my average. The 2nd fill up did but it shows total distance for both fillups. If I edit my first fill up it shows my Odom in that screen but doesn't use it. Did I do something wrong.

CobourgVeeDubYah 08-29-2014 05:52 PM

Welcome to Fuelly.com BuddyRich:

No, you are not doing anything wrong, But it takes at least three full fill-ups to start tracking aveages etc.

The Sequence of Fillups depends on the Odometer, and Fuelly then clocks from the lowest number (Starting Mileage). From then on, the Odometer (or Date for Non-Odometer Tracked vehicles), that is what fuelly expects.

(GasBuddy has a similar calculator, but IMHO, it does not do as nice a job as Fuelly does)

RobertV 08-29-2014 08:00 PM

Welcome BuddyRich!
When tracking by Odometer, your first entry is your starting point. This lets Fuelly know where to start calculating your miles from (2nd fuel up - 1st fuel up = miles traveled / by gallons(liters) of fuel = mpg(km/l))

Thanks CobourgVeeDubYah for the post!

BuddyRich 08-30-2014 04:03 AM

Thanks. For whatever reason I also had my mileage set to miles in vehicle settings but my fuel usage and display options were metric so it was just looking doubled (1.6x). Changed it all to Metric in vehicle settings and in display options and its all correct now.

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