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Richard1869 08-08-2014 01:37 PM

Cars not found under research
I became a member about two weeks ago and registered two cars. Since then I have logged two fill ups on one of my vehicles, but if I look for either one of them under RESEARCH VEHICLES, neither one show up in their year class?

RobertV 08-08-2014 01:44 PM

From our FAQ page: Why isn't my car listed in the Browse Vehicles section of the site?

A Fuelly car needs three fuel-ups before it shows up public areas of the site. We've found that average fuel economy is all over the map when you only have a couple entries, but once a few fuel-ups have been added the average tends to even out to a more realistic number for the vehicle. Excluding newly created cars makes the list more useful for people who want to compare fuel economy.

If you want to see every single car on Fuelly click the "show all" link toward the top of the page and you'll see all cars regardless of the number of fuel-ups.
So, you'll just need to add at least one more before your Buick is visible on the Browse Vehicles section.

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